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Katherine Q.
Katherine Q.

Getting fed up with Template problem in v.10  en

Autore: Katherine Q.
Visite 2191, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

I have been doing everything I can to fix this problem. Unsinstalled v.10, cleaned registry and still it exists. Here is the problem.

  1. Cannot create a custom template and save it without getting the error message below.
  2. When importing a website from v.9 with custom template it is there until you close it then when reopen it is gone and reverts to one of the templates that comes with the program

Here is the message I get for point 1.

Not happy and not impressed.

25/09/2014 3:05:02 AM [EXCEPTION] Cannot save Template WebSiteX5.BL at WebsiteX5.BL.Template.Save(String outputFile) at WebsiteX5.BL.TemplateMetadata.SaveTemplate(Template t, SourcesManager sm, String projLibrary) at (Object , Template ) at ..(Object , Template ) at . .() at ..( ) at ..( , PaneEnum ) at ..( , PaneEnum ) at ..(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at (Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at ..(Object , Object , MouseEventArgs ) at ..(Object , MouseEventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) at (Object , Message& ) at ..(Object , Message& ) at ..WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 25/09/2014 3:04:29 AM [INFO] 0 Page 0 - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:29 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 19 25/09/2014 3:04:29 AM [INFO] Change time: 0 2014-09-25 13:04:29 25/09/2014 3:04:29 AM [INFO] 83 Page 6 - End 14 25/09/2014 3:04:29 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Ending... 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Change time: 6 2014-09-25 13:04:28 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 66 Page 3 - End 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Change time: 3 2014-09-25 13:04:28 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 50 Page 7 - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Ending... 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Change time: 7 2014-09-25 13:04:28 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 33 Page -8 - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Change time: -8 2014-09-25 13:04:28 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 16 Page -9 - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Change time: -9 2014-09-25 13:04:28 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Start 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 0 Page 0 - End 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 95 File style\\top.png - End 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 90 File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - End 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 86 File style\\bottom.png - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 81 File style/menu.css - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 77 File res/ - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File res/ - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 72 File menu/contact.png - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/contact.png - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 68 File images\\flowergirl.jpg - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 63 File menu/centres_h.png - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/centres_h.png - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 59 File style/ie.css - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File style/menu.css - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 54 File menu/contact_c.png - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/contact_c.png - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 50 File menu/philosophy_c.png - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/philosophy_c.png - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 45 File res/x5settings.js - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 40 File menu/centres.png - End 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File res/x5settings.js - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 36 File menu/centres_c.png - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File style/ie.css - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 31 File style\\template.css - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 27 File menu/contact_h.png - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/centres.png - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 22 File menu/index_c.png - End 14 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/contact_h.png - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 18 File menu/philosophy_h.png - End 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/centres_c.png - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 13 File menu/index.png - End 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File images\\flowergirl.jpg - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 9 File menu/index_h.png - End 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - Start 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] 4 File menu/philosophy.png - End 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/philosophy_h.png - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/philosophy.png - Start 30 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/index_h.png - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/index.png - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:04:28 AM [INFO] File menu/index_c.png - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:04:27 AM [INFO] wizCustomTemplate 25/09/2014 3:04:22 AM [INFO] wizChooseTemplateStyle 25/09/2014 3:04:17 AM [INFO] wizEditTemplateGraphics 25/09/2014 3:04:08 AM [INFO] wizChooseTemplateStyle 25/09/2014 3:04:03 AM [INFO] wizEditTemplateGraphics 25/09/2014 3:04:00 AM [INFO] wizChooseTemplateStyle 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 2 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 0 Page 6 - End 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Ending... 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 97 Page 0 - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 19 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 95 Page 7 - End 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Ending... 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 93 Page -8 - End 3 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 3 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 7 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Start 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 3 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 14 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 3 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 91 Page -9 - End 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 89 Page 3 - End 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 87 File captcha\\imcpa_t7w.gif - End 24 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 30 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 85 File captcha\\imcpa_xsf.gif - End 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 10 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 14 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 83 File captcha\\imcpa_maz.gif - End 3 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 30 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 81 File captcha\\imcpa_32m.gif - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 79 File captcha\\imcpa_cnh.gif - End 14 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 15 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 77 File captcha\\imcpa_vjs.gif - End 6 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 75 File captcha\\imcpa_zeh.gif - End 25 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 72 File captcha\\imcpa_zte.gif - End 30 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 70 File captcha\\imcpa_maz.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 68 File captcha\\imcpa_cnh.gif - End 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_maz.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 68 File captcha\\imcpa_32m.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_32m.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 66 File captcha\\imcpa_t7w.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_t7w.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 64 File captcha\\imcpa_xsf.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xsf.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 62 File captcha\\imkeys.php - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_cnh.gif - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 58 File captcha\\imcpa_zeh.gif - End 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imkeys.php - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 56 File captcha\\imcpa_zte.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_zte.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 54 File captcha\\imcpa_8xn.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_zeh.gif - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_8xn.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 52 File captcha\\imcpa_vjs.gif - End 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 52 File captcha\\imcpa_art.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_art.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 47 File images\\flowergirl.jpg - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_vjs.gif - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 45 File style\\top.png - End 10 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File images\\flowergirl.jpg - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 45 File res\\imImage.swf - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\imImage.swf\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\imImage.swf - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 43 File res\\expressInstall.swf - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\expressInstall.swf\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\expressInstall.swf - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 39 File res\\imPanZoom.swf - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\imPanZoom.swf\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\imPanZoom.swf - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 37 File style\\top.png - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 35 File style\\template.css - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 33 File style\\bg.jpg - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File style\\bg.jpg - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 31 File style\\bottom.png - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 29 File res\\tick.png - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\tick.png\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\tick.png - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 27 File res\\key_go.png - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\key_go.png\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 39 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\key_go.png - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 25 File res\\email_go.png - End Error: Could not find file \'C:\\Program Files\\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\\Res\\email_go.png\'.26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File res\\email_go.png - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 22 File captcha\\imcpa_8xn.gif - End 26 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xsf.gif - Start 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 20 File captcha\\imcpa_art.gif - End 29 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_cnh.gif - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] 18 File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - End 14 25/09/2014 3:03:58 AM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_t7w.gif - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 16 File style\\bottom.png - End 24 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] Waiting 43 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_maz.gif - Start 3 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 14 File images\\flowergirl.jpg - End 3 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_32m.gif - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 12 File captcha\\imkeys.php - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imkeys.php - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 10 File style\\content.jpg - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] Waiting 47 Threads 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 8 File style\\menu.jpg - End 24 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\content.jpg - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 6 File style\\template.css - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 4 File style\\bg.jpg - End 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File images\\flowergirl.jpg - Start 3 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] 2 File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - End 3 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - Start 14 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\bg.jpg - Start 19 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\menu.jpg - Start 24 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 10 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_art.gif - Start 29 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_8xn.gif - Start 26 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_vjs.gif - Start 6 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_zte.gif - Start 30 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_zeh.gif - Start 25 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] File images\\boygarden_55h569p0.jpg - Start 3 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] wizGeneralSettings 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] Saved! 25/09/2014 3:03:57 AM [INFO] Saving Metadata... 25/09/2014 3:03:55 AM [INFO] wizProjectSelection 25/09/2014 2:56:28 AM [INFO] wizStart 25/09/2014 2:56:26 AM [INFO] Saved! 25/09/2014 2:56:26 AM [INFO] Saving Metadata... 25/09/2014 2:56:25 AM [INFO] wizProjectSelection 25/09/2014 2:55:26 AM [INFO] ---> 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Waiting 2 Threads 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 0 Page 0 - End 18 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 18 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 97 Page 6 - End 20 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Ending... 20 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Change time: 6 2014-09-25 12:55:25 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 95 Page 3 - End 21 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 21 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Waiting 3 Threads 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Change time: 3 2014-09-25 12:55:25 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Waiting 6 Threads 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 93 Page 7 - End 7 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Ending... 7 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Change time: 7 2014-09-25 12:55:25 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 90 Page -8 - End 11 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 11 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Change time: -8 2014-09-25 12:55:25 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 88 Page -9 - End 9 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 9 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Change time: -9 2014-09-25 12:55:25 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Waiting 8 Threads 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 19 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 7 - Start 7 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 7 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 6 - Start 20 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 11 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 11 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 20 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 9 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 3 - Start 21 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 18 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 83 File captcha\\imcpa_32m.gif - End 8 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 21 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 18 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 83 File captcha\\imcpa_vjs.gif - End 9 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 19 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] Waiting 11 Threads 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 7 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 81 File captcha\\imcpa_maz.gif - End 22 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 20 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 11 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 79 File style\\bottom.png - End 10 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] 76 File captcha\\imcpa_cnh.gif - End 21 25/09/2014 2:55:25 AM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 18

Postato il
Claudio D.

Hello Katherine,

Can you please tell me what Windows version are you using?

Do you start the program as admin?

Has it been installed from the administrator account?

It seems the program cannot write the data in the folder where the templates are stored.

Try to uninstall the program and then proceed to install it as Administrator with the rightclick option.

Once done start it as Administrator the program and then check if the templates can be saved.

Please keep me updated.

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Postato il da Claudio D.
Katherine Q.
Katherine Q.

I am using Vista Service Pack 2

I have:

  • uninstalled the program
  • cleaned the registry
  • cold booted
  • cleaned the registry again
  • cold booted
  • reinstalled the program as admin
  • the opened the program as admin
  • updated the program as required (so I can use the sites already created)
  • the problem still remains

When I import a website from v9  into v10 it looks great. I can make changes to the template. However when I close v10 it reverts to the 1st standard template that comes with the program. The template that came with the imported website is not there. Gone.

The program will not let me create a new template just gives me the error previously sent to you.

This is most frustrating. Whilst it does not look like it is saving the files I need to know where it would be saving them to so I can look at the rights.

Also when I change the location of the files in preferences when I go back in the system has reverted to the installed default.

Please help.

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Postato il da Katherine Q.
Claudio D.

Hello Katherine,

The custom templates are saved in following folder:

C:\Users\ "Your Windows Username" \AppData\Local\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\Templates

Check if there the program is creating the files.

Please try also to uninstall the program and then repair the .NET Frameworks:

To repair the .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4 you need as first to use following cleanup tool to remove .NET 4:
Once done go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
This procedure can take some time to deactivate and activate .NET 3.5.1 and once done reinstall .NET 4 after downloading it from following link:

Once done install the program as normal user and then test with a new project if it saves a custom template.

Please continue to keep me updated.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.