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Edward M.
Edward M.

V. 11 v 10 bugs  en

Autore: Edward M.
Visite 1539, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Are you still using old technology like framework 2.0 all the way up to 4.++ with the new v.11?

As it is now, I have not been able to use v.10 since June and am sick and tired of re registering every time it loads up.

Thank you.


Postato il
Riccardo P.

Hello Edward,

you need install in your system the Framework 3.5 and 4.0.

Hope this help.

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Postato il da Riccardo P.
Edward M.
Edward M.

HI. Fully aware of that for v.10. As you can see from my previous posts, I have not used v 10. No point repeating the thread here. All frameworks are installed.

So v 11 uses the same framework, I see. 

Thanks for the update.

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Postato il da Edward M.