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Lorien K.
Lorien K.

Cell Style Margins Not Working  en

Autore: Lorien K.
Visite 961, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Hello,  I am having a real problem trying to get the margins to work on the cell style.  The left margin continues to have an indent of 5 even though all the margins are set to 0.  Also the very top cell has a space of about 5 as well (between the menu and the first cell). 

I have no spaces or anything in the text; I have tried using just a colored background and also uploading an image both regular and "fit to cell" but nothing works.  The left margin in all cases continues to have an indent even though the margin is set to 0.  And I can't get rid of the space between the menu and the first cell.

I am using X5 Evolution V11 - anyone else experiencing this problem?  I am getting frustrated with this.

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Lorien K.
Lorien K.

Also, I double-checked and there are no borders, etc.  All is set to 0, but cannot get rid of the left indent and top space between menu and first cell.

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Postato il da Lorien K.
Lorien K.
Lorien K.

I just figured it out; I changed the borders in the contents and it is working now.

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Postato il da Lorien K.