Edit existing pages not made with WebSiteX5 
Autore: Mike Kokinis
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I have existing pages on the Web, and I want to edit them in WebSite X5. How do I do that? I would rather not go through the bother of creating a new project, but just open the page in a WYSIWYG editor. I thougt as a minimun I should be able to edit existing pages without a lot of hassel. Was I mistaken?
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Hello Mike,
You can cut and paste text, images and even HTML code from any web page into an X5 project, by using the Text, Image, and Video Objects, etc.
Kind regards,
This doesn't answer how? Do I have to create a project first? Or can I simply open any arbitrary webpage with WebSitex5 and start cutting and pasting in its WYSIWYG editor? What's the easiest way to get that done?
Does the X5 manual make things clearer for you, Mike?
What parts in particular are you struggling with?
You can't do anything in WebSite X5 without creating a project first. Having done that you can copy/cut any data you wish from your existing web pages and paste it into the various Objects in X5. The help file explains the use of the different Objects in depth:
Text Object: http://help.websitex5.com/en/v11/evo/index.html?ogg_testo.htm
Image Object: http://help.websitex5.com/en/v11/evo/index.html?ogg_immagine.htm
Video/Audio Object: http://help.websitex5.com/en/v11/evo/index.html?ogg_video.htm
HTML Object: http://help.websitex5.com/en/v11/evo/index.html?ins_codice.htm
I'm sorry, I don't know how to describe the concept any simpler
Maybe someone else will chip in?
You can not import the page from internet, that would be very great, I am afraid that there is no software that can do this.
But no problem a working website in x5 is fast made. But you have to start a new project, there is no full website design that you can import and adjust and if it would take more time then to start from fresh.
What Paul means is that you can import items from the website, but the design start is in a project in x5 this is always the case even if you lose your project made in x5 you can't import it from a website. So make a backup from time to time in step 5 of x5 on a separate medium.
Start with a new project choose a nice template there will be 3 empty pages in that you can fill the way you want it.
Keep things at start simple and you will a have a working website in no time.
If you have any questions people here can always help.
By the way by starting new your basis and code for the website is directly correct for the latest software use on internet (html 5, Css ... )
Best regards, André