How to disable adobe flash 
Autore: Ludwig E.
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I changed the settings for adobe flash on my browser to "ask for permission" because of security concerns and discovered that the website I had built requires adobe flash - I am now asked whether I allow flash to run when I open my website. I had no idea that I had any flash related content in it, no viedos or others, and would like to change those items.
My website is
Any suggestions?
Thank you
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You do not have flash in your home page, probably that is your explorer want to remind you.
Also remove this code from your head section
that is name of your html file that google gave to you and you just need to have that file inside the root of your website for google verification.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
Thanks Anthony, How do I find the root of my website on WebSitex5? Somehow I fidn it weird to have a head section with a field to fill in that should remain empty. What am I supposed to fill in there other than the requested Meta Tag, any ideas?
nothing, unless you have custom script or 3rd party scripts that needs to be inside the head section. most of the code will be generated automaticaly over there.
for the root you need to login to your cpanel (your webhost) and add upload your google html file over there, normaly it should be the folder named "public_html", after you log in to your host cpanel, go to file manager, and choose your domain, then hit ok or open, it will automatticaly opens that folder for you, then at the top of the page hit upload and upload your html file.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
Thanks Anthony. It was a bit confusing, as in the webmaster tools two different HTML meta tag procedures are suggested. It was all there already in "public_html".