I want my 4 FREE Credits! 
Autore: Barry R.Several days ago, I asked why I could not redeem the recent email offer for four free credits. One of the support people made my post private and said that there was no license data on file for me. I provided the cleverbridge email proving that I have an X5 11 Pro license. My license now shows up when I click "My Licenses."
The question I posted, however, is gone and I still have zero credits in spite of the fact that I tried to redeem the offer Sunday. One free template is no big deal but this is unsatisfactory from a professional standpoint. I used to do technical support for enterprise software products and it's patently clear in this case that the customer was not at fault. I would never dream of closing the case without issuing the customer the missing credits.
Moreover, the fact that Incomedia is more than willing to accept praise but deletes any criticism says a lot about the people who run it. I expect this post to be deleted immediately.
Sorry but I don't agree, we are all people and I have been working with x5 for many many years. I have seen many efforts from Incomedia to help out on all kind of problems. And I never seen them run away from something. We are all human, did you never made a mistake by closing it or forgot to make an item in your support work ?
I do, and I am extremely keen in checking all kind of items double! at my work, still it happens.....
Just be patient I am sure you will get the credits.... I shall set this post for Incomedia to check. Have a little patience,
Thanks !!
Best Regards, André
We're all human beings and human beings make mistakes. I'm as patient as anyone but I get offended when a communications thread (private or not) with a support rep simply disappears without any notice or explanation. Some people think a non-response is a message saying "there's nothing I can do about this." It's not. A non-response is a non-message and can be interpreted in any number of ways.
No, I don't think I've ever failed to email or chat with or call a customer before closing an issue. I've always kept a record of communications in all sorts of issue-tracking systems including home-grown kludge towers, VAX Notes, Lotus Notes, spreadsheets, CMS systems, email clients, Jira, and others whose names I don't remember. (I'm retired now.)
Not all issues can be resolved to a customer's satisfaction. There are bugs that can't be reproduced, RTFMs, unimplemented features, and single-customer issues that simply don't warrant a hot patch. As a support person, your job is not just to resolve issues, but to reassure customers that they're important and that their issue, even if not resolved, has been given intelligent thought. If your caseload is such that you don't have time to track your communications, call for help.
Oh come on Andre!
The response from Incomedia to many of our problems can be patchy to say the least!
I have two issues out, one of which Incomedia has never bothered to respond to.
One, regarding password pages, is fundamental to my website ethic and the other is a problem concerning publishing.
TECHS should NOT make mistakes!
I've seen a thing happen to many different software companies over the years. A company:
1. Launches a product and experiences some success.
2. Decides to build a new product and assigns all its best development, documentation, QA, and support personnel to it, leaving only a few junior people to support the core product.
3. Sees its core product begin to be hammered by reviewers of competitive products.
4. Wonders why revenue is declining and hires an extremely expensive consulting company for advice.
The consulting company always tells them the same thing:
1. Cancel the new product if still possible.
2. Reassign most of the best personnel back to the core product.
3. Fix the bugs and add features to the core product.
It can be difficult to recover once the core product has lost its reputation and market share. I have to wonder whether or not the same scenario is happening at Incomedia.
Hi Barry...
What you say makes a lot of sense.
I have had reasonable response to my queries over the years and I am not demeaning this but, quite often, it takes several days for Incomedia to fully understand the problem being described and it very often fails to recognize weaknesses in its software.
If Incomedia do not like our comments they either make them "private" or delete them altogether. I have never known them once give an apology or put their hands up to a software flaw.
In my thread regarding password protected pages, I am very much following the instructions given in the "HELP" for that particular scenario and it just isn't working. A solution was presented to me that was based on v11 Pro and I don't have this version nor do I ever intend to buy it for the exorbitant price it is advertised for. IT SEEMS that my ability to password protect pages in v11 has been taken away and added to v11 Pro. IF THIS IS SO, and I can't be sure, then that would constitute a legal breech.
I really really wish I could find another software that will suit my purpose but my problem is that my website is so massive it would/will prove difficult to migrate.
My website has national significance and Incomedia DOES NOT separate the boys from the men. It should have a special "fast track" system in place for those of us with professionally orientated websites.
Thank you,
Dear Barry,
I have checked through all your posts and remebered the conversation you had with me.
The post has not been canceled, you have two different accounts on answers.websitex5.com, one is registered with ''.com'', the other with ''.net''.
The first post you mention regarding the free credits has been opened with your ''.net'' account (if you login to answers with that email address you will find it amongst your posts) and it had been set as private just to give you the chance to add your personal details in it, for no other reason.
You probably received our newsletter with the 4 free credits on the ''.net'' account and activated them there, but all your licence keys are registered with the ''.com'' account.
Unfortunately, as explained in the last answer I added into the post you opened with ''.net'', it is not possible to move credits from one account to the other, as mentioned in the terms and conditions you found in the newsletter we sent you:
''Each user can redeem one pack of 4 free credits. They are not transferable. ''
I'm sorry to read that you are not satisfied with our assistance, we try to do our best to help you out as quickly as possible.
Perhaops you could answer MY outstanding queries, Samantha? Claudio appears to have gone on strike!
@ Nigel,
I agree, nobody should make mistakes and offcource sometimes it takes time and not everything is always possible. But posts / questions should not take up a lot of time.
I answered your question about the login, hope this helps.
If there are posts with many answers I normally assume people work on it, if you have posts that do not go as you wish you are welcome to mail me Nigel (please provide the link from answers) , if I can I will answer and if not I have the ability to set the post on a higher level for Incomedia for you. I'm glad to help out as much as I can.
Youre Idea for faster help or something is not bad, but this could end up in a payed system, cause else everybode wants the speed version, Maybe set this as an Idea for Incomedia to make an importance request possibility or something like that ? Not everybody is in a hury but if you are it might help.
@ Barry,
Your post is still there, and Incomedia is helping out as best as they can.
Is it solved now or are there more issues Barry?
Thank you all,
Best Regards André
Thanks Andre.
Claudio is now raising my "publish" query with the programmers and I have acknowledged your help with the "password" issue.
Hi! I'm glad you received an answer Nigel, I hope you manage to find a solution asap.
I'm sure Claudio will do his best to help you and Andre is brilliant of course.
Thank you for updating us and feel free to open a new post if you have anymore questions.
Thank you!
Thanks Samantha
but I'm tempted to change your post, but always glad to help and I am still learning, there is a lot I still want to know / find out.
> I have checked through all your posts and remebered the conversation you had with me.
> The post has not been canceled, you have two different accounts on answers.websitex5.com, one is registered with ''.com'', the other with ''.net''.
Sorry to take so long getting back to this. Health issues.
Would you be so kind as to delete the ".net" account? I must have created it a long time ago, before I registered my current domain name.
Hello Barry,
thank you for your answer, I'm sorry that you haven't been well.
Yes of course, we can delete the account for you but before we deactivate your account, I would like to give you more information about this:
- This operation is IRREVERSIBLE.
- All the licence keys associated to your account and to your email will be disabled. You will have to uninstall every version of WebSite X5 that has been registered with this email address.
- Every email address that has been added into this account will be removed from our newsletter service.
- You will not be able to use the credits that have been registered with this email address anymore.
- You will no longer have access to Answers with this account.
- Your posts will remain stored on Answers (they are owned by Incomedia Srl, as specified on the terms of use listed on Answers) and will be associated to a profile with your name and the initial of your last name (ex. John D.)
If you decide to open another account in the future, you will have to use a different email address; new accounts can not in any way be related to the current account or its resources.
If you still want to disable your account after reading this, please reply to this post stating that you wish to deactivate your account.
Thank you for your time.