Payment implementation 
Autore: Sanjin B.Hello,
For longer time I am trying to find answer/help with integration of payment with credit/debit card for Unicredit bank.
I have couple of questions.
- Please go to:
- Choose one of the items
- In Payment part choose Zaba
- Click next ("Dalje")
- Fill form
- CONCRETE QUESTION: how to redirect data from that form into the my *.php file where I will get that data (i can not found how you system gives names of textboxes - how to find that names, why I can not Inspect element from Chrome) and send it to the bank website?
- How to caught redirected data from web site of my bank and show that info (if payment is ok, or not) to the user.
Please give to me concrete answers, because I can not found how to fix that. If you have some more concrete question please ask.
I'm waiting for answers and help from community or Incomedia staff. Thank You!
Hello Sanjin B.,
I replied you on
Unfortunately I cannot help you with the use of custom code, but if you have any doubts or issues on how to add them in the project you can ask me. Generally speaking since the functions do not depend on WebSite X5, you can search useful information about the custom code with search engines like google or wait until someone on the community of Answers can help you.
Many thanks!
I really don't understand where you see that I ask you for help with my custom code?!!? I paid this software! Questions above are directly connected with implementation in yours software program.
First: how to redirect data from form when is button "Next" pressed to my *.php file and how to in my *.php file caught that data. Please write me YOUR example, I do NOT ask that you watch my code!
Second: how to setup interface which will caught POST or GET request from web page of my bank?
If you don't know to answer on this two question please send this request to somebody who will know. This are fundamental questions of your software. I NOWHERE ask you that you watch and study my code.
If you do not know to answer on this question then tell me: "I DON'T KNOW"!!
Do not watch questions in: forget about that post. Read questions in first post on: !
Now I see that you was answer on one part of my question in different post.
What if I call field "Postanski broj" what name is then?
I don't understood why you can not tell me where in program put that I would like to redirect data in my *.php file, and how, please tell me one example of that!
Or where I need in program implement interface to caught POST / GET request from website of my bank. Is this possible in this program? Or it is needed to write code explicitly in text editor in source of project?
Hello Sanjin,
The support is for the functions of the program only and the payment code you want to add is an external function which is provided by your bank/ payment system and they need to give you support for the code.
I can tell you where to add the code they provide you but I cannot help you with the code. To redirect to any php file needs to be done with a custom html code because there is not a function to do this automatically.
The code needs to be added in the payment methods in the Type window where you select pay now and then Custom Code like you can see here:
Many thanks!