Autore: Moustafa S.
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I had the same website for years now I switched hosting company and my contact form is not sending out email. They told me that thier server requires SMTP Authentication. Please tell me what to do.
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PLease update your profile with your licence, so we can help you better.
Your website is made with an older version so please also update to latest version, this can be done in here in x5, but then you need your licence registered.
Best advice is use an provider that does not need SMTP Authentication, or you need to upgrade to V11.
whare do I find my license?
You have received it when you bought x5.
In the start up there should also be an update notice.
But e-mailing forms with a provider that uses SMTP Authentication is vailable in V11 not in V10.
Use the same email you bought x5 with here in answeres then it should automaticly be in your profile.....
If not Incomedia needs to correct this.
Hope this helps .
BR Andre
So if I purchase V11 I can use SMTP Authentication?
I am still using the same email (***)
If you are unable to resolve your problem with Moustafa's capable help there is another way, a bit more technical but very simple technical. Are you or anyone you know able to write HTML ? SMTP Authentication is little more than sending the proper username and password to your mail server (SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) (some times not encrypted) usually in a standard encryption method readily available (ie. SSL, TLS etc.). Someone with a basic ability to read and edit web-page-code simply needs to find the place in the code that talks to your mail server and insert a send recieve of your login information ( prefferable by prompting you for the Username and password each time as not to hard code that information on the web-site. I hope you don't need to go this route but remember there is a way if all else fails.
Yes it is available in V11, I haven't tested it cause my provider does not need it.
But V11 supports SMTP Authentication.