Coverting tool 
Autore: Einar W.I have been with WebsiteX5 since version 8.
I have a lot of customer web pages and a lot of my own webpages.
Every time you release a new vesion of WebsiteX5 you only allow to convert webpages from the last version to the lates one. That is incoveinient as I sometimes "forget" old pages that have not been touched for years. In that case a conversion tool from ANY version to WebsiteX5 11 is higly needed.
The way things work now I must keep my oldest PC, with WebsiteX5 8 on it stored in case I need to transfer pages. On another PC I have WebsiteX5 9 to pick up the stored site from number 8 and on my newest computer I have both version 10 and 11 installed.
Please, pretty please with sugar on top. Make a conversion tool that can take ANY old site made with WebsiteX5 and convert it to latest version. I know you already have all the code needed, it's just spread on several versions of WebsiteX5.
Isn't this a great idea?
Hello Einar,
"Every time you release a new vesion of WebsiteX5 you only allow to convert webpages from the last version to the lates one."
Version 11 will open projects created in either version 9 or 10:
It is only version 8 (and below) which is now no longer supported.
Kind regards,
OK, but still.
Why not put the conversion tool from version 9 into 11 so you can import from 8 also?
It could just be a two-step operation:
convert 8 ==> 9 ==> 10/11