Table cell error / problem 
Autore: Rune T.
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A strange error happens in tables.
The cells in the table suddenly "locks" (impossible to write into them) and the row needs to be deleted and inserted again. It happens only in some cells, and often after making a change of content in the cell.
Any idea about what this error is, and how to solve it?
Makes a lot of extra work to correct this all the time.
Thanks for any help.
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Hello Rune,
have you insert a particular text/script in these tables?
try delete the table and recreate it. Or send me your project.iwzip and tell me step by step what do i do for recreate the problem.
Let me know.
Hello, and thanks for the reply. I have tried to upload the project file, but it is probably too big.
I will try to send you the file, and attach a picture that shows the place where the problem is. Seems like when "cut" commando is done in a cell to remove the content, the cell is locked and it is not possible to paste into it again.
Here is the picture of the table... with a marker around the area where the problem is.
Hello Rune,
try delete the table and re-create it and try in a new project.
Let me know.
I have tried that... but the same error occurs when cutting / pasting... It is a lot of work to re-create those tables each time...
I hope for another solution.
Hello Rune,
can you send me your file .iwzip of the project please? (you can create it in step 5 "export the project).
You can use this service to send me the link for the download:
Let me know.