Full calendar with mysql integration idea for a better one v. 2.0
Autore: John S.The ”full calendar” has the disadvantage, that it is only the webmaster that can put data in the calendar, and the calendar is therefor not interactive.
My idea is the following :
The calendar should read its data from a Mysqldatabase.
You specify the tablename
From date field
from time field
To date field
to time field
Text field
Filtervalue ( the user can put in ex. lane, billardtable, or department (see later ) )
As in the present calendar You should be able to set up more tables as You now can set more icalendarfiles up.
You use the mailform to put data in the Mysql base
In the mailform You can put in the dates and times and You could have a drop-down list to choose the ressource.
You could then in the calendar see the resources and when they are available.
When You have filtered by ressource, You can have the table set up for each ressource, where You filter by ressource.
When calendar read more tables, the user could ( via a dropdown ) click on what resources the user want to see in the same calendar. Or the webmaster could choose to have several calendars showing each one resource.
This is wery similar to the google calendar, but X5 then uses Mysql-database instead of a calendarprogram to input data.
Maybe someone could make a little widget that could check for doublebookings .
I hope that there in the near future comes an easy way to put the :
( $user = $pa->who_is_logged();)
user into the database via the mailform.
Via the database viewer You can see the same events as in the calender, but here the events is on the listform, and You could set up via a locked page that the entries can be edited.
In the table You can also see the username who has booked the entry. You should have a locked page where users must log-in to book ( via the mailform).
It could be a login-page per department or whatever.
In this way You can have a booking-tool to book lanes in a tennis club, Billardtables in a billardclub, or conference rooms in a firm, or whatever.
Forget all about this.
I have found a calendarsolution ( luxcal ) that is for free, but should cost a lot.
It has astonishing many features, and to compare the "full calendar" and "luxcal" is like comparing a Dacia and a Mercedes.
It is easy to install, easy to use and can be integrated ( via iframes ) with Your website.
If You need a calendar - look for luxcal and see the demo version