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Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.

The basket should be the Attach a file  ru

Autore: Vitaliy S.
Visite 1287, Followers 2, Condiviso 0  

В корзину для товаров очень нужно поле «Прикрепить файл» (см. влож.).
К сожалению, в новой версии 12, такой функции не сделали.
Как можно прикрепить файл при оформлении заказа?


The basket of goods is very necessary to the "Attach a file" (see. Attach.).
Unfortunately, the new version 12, this function did not.
How can I attach a file when ordering?

Postato il
Steve J.

Hello Vitaliy,

can you please let me have an example of the use of the "attach file" when ordering a product?

If it's possible, I suggest you to open a new "Idea" topic, as public. In this way we can consider your suggestion for the next releases.


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Postato il da Steve J.
Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.

Это очень нужно, когда для оказания услуг, от клиента нужен какой-нибудь файл. Сейчас клиенту нужно отдельно отправлять файл от заявки, что очень не удобно.

Почему нельзя встроить форму "Прикрепить файл" к заказу? Тем более, что использовать её можно по желанию.

В нашем случае, нам необходимы от клиентов документы для оформления въездной визы.


It is very necessary when to provide services, the client need any file. Now the client needs to send a separate file from the application, which is not very convenient.

Why not build in the form of "Attach a file" to order? Especially because you can use it at will.

In our case, we need from clients documents for visa.

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Postato il da Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.

Выносить эту тему для обсуждения в раздел "Идея" - для нас это потеря времени.
На самом деле, это мелкий вопрос для вас, но он очень усложняет нашу работу.
Вы, как разработчики программы, определитесь - будет ли в форме заказа пункт "Прикрепить файл" или нет. Если будет, то когда? В этой версии или в следующей? Для нас это очень важно, так как будет нужно принимать решение - оставаться на этой платформе или переходить на другую, где такой проблемы нет.


Make this topic in the section "Idea" - for us it's a waste of time.
In fact, this small question for you, but it complicates our work.
You, as the developers of the program, decide - whether in the form of an order select "Attach a file" or not. If so, when? In this version or the next? For us it is very important as it will need to make a decision - to stay on the platform or move to another where no such problem.
Thank you!

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Postato il da Vitaliy S.
Steve J.

Hi, I set this post as Idea.

So you need an "attach file" field in order the let the customer to be able to send the needed documentation for paying via credit card. Is it correct?

Thanks, Stefano.

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Postato il da Steve J.
Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.

No, It's wrong. You did not understand. It's a pity

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Postato il da Vitaliy S.
Steve J.

Hi Vitaliy,
so, can you explain me why it is necessary to ask to customer to attach a file when he is placing an order? Thanks

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Postato il da Steve J.
Pavel M.
Pavel M.
Steve R.
Hi Vitaliy, so, can you explain me why it is necessary to ask to customer to attach a file when he is placing an order? Thanks

a customer buys a service visa and can send the necessary documents when buying services

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Postato il da Pavel M.
Steve J.

Thanks for your suggestion. I'll report to developer to discuss about that.

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Postato il da Steve J.
Vitaliy S.
Vitaliy S.
Pavel M.
a customer buys a service visa and can send the necessary documents when buying services

Exactly! Thanks Pavel M.

To Steve R. - When waiting for a decision?

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Postato il da Vitaliy S.
Steve J.

At the moment I cannot give you a date, even becuse this suggestion has to be evaluated.

I can suggest you how to solve it now, if you didn't already apply a way.

You can edit the text of the confirmation email and inform the customer that, if he choose to pay using a credit card, he has to send a documentation. This documentation could be sent via email (to your account) or, better, you can link to a hidden page of yoour website where you have placed a form.

This form could report a Text field where to enter the Order No. (useful for you to track the order) and an Attach file field.


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Postato il da Steve J.