Just purchased v.12 pro: what I miss +++ 
Autore: Thierry D.hi there
ok I got it since 24 h; some features but some fails and/or miss:
1/ most important : I'd like a button see attached file-, or a tab, in every page creation (item 3) to edit html code, which gives access to the whole html code for the page; not a small part but the whole html code, seems quite basic and simple but I don't find this feature, so I need to customize the pages (= modify html code) of my local published folder before uploading them to my site: so point 2
2/ I'd like to be able to publish locally ONLY the files I want to publish locally, but default it seems that the local publication overwrites everything ( for example the pages I modified onto the local exported folder)
3/ objects: blog is quite weak/poor IMHO, and btw, I miss a bbs or forum-like object
Correct or help me if I'm wrong, and thanks for helping
Hello Thierry,
These functions are not present in the program and when you export locally the files it overwrites all files.
We will take the suggestions in consideration for future releases of the program.
Many thanks!
thanks for the answer Claudio, I think you should fix this local export feature ( and give access to html code too!)
one more (little) thing , explaining why I must edit the files after exporting them locally: I miss the chinese language in the entry page...btw lang="zh-Hans" :)
another question: after a crash -electric outage-, it seems that I can't modify/update some files , like the entry page (can't change the graphic file for example, even after reloading the program, and even with a blank path, the preview is stuck with the latest graphic (before crash), not updated with a control+preview) please see attachment
any suggestion ? is the file project corrupted or the software?... reinstall?using a bacup of the project didn't fix it....
Hello Thierry,
To add zh-Hans in step 1 click the button after the choice of the content language and search for the ID lang-code and then edit it with zh-Hans.
About the graphic file issue I would suggest to load a baclup copy by clicking on the project selection, after you selected the project, on backup on the right and load a previous version of this project to test if there it works.
Many thanks!
I fixed it
It would be great to be able to edit the HTML code in order to make modifications that are kept after every update.
I hope someone takes notes of this and try to make it possible.
I suspect we're far more than 2 guys here who miss this no-brainer feature...talking about "professional" version, it should be included without question...WTH to (re)edit files after publication to customize or add html code! what a waste of time!.....
NB: another feature I requested is a forum module, I own a vbulletin, and of course I don't ask for such a piece of software, but a light BBS version (instead of the guestbook....which reminds me the '80~'90
)... just like this one, with a possibility to edit the posts (I 'm unable to correct my typo errors on previous posts...)
there are many features that are a must for a pro software, the edit option of html should be there period!
I also made a couple of posts some time ago, but no response so far:
https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/post/128531 (this would be very easy to implement and most useful)