WebSite X5Help Center

Jerry B.
Jerry B.

How to remove blank area on page  en

Autore: Jerry B.
Visite 2099, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

I have about five inches of blank space between last text area and the footer.  I cannot find a way to remove it.  I have changed my background image so it is not as long but that did not fix the problem.  Since there is nothing there, I cannot delete a row because there are no rows there.  What else can I try?

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Jerry B.
Jerry B.

I cannot find where you specify the page length.  When are they going to answere this question?

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Postato il da Jerry B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Jerry,

What version of WebSite X5 are you using?  There are no licence details in your profile so it is hard to assist accurately unless you let us know.

If for example you are using Professional version 12 then the minimum page height can be declared in Step 1 General Settings > Template Style > Page Section (drop-down menu) > Page Contents > Size > Minimum Height

Kind regards,


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Postato il da Paul M.