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U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen

Evolution 12 freezes in step 1  en

Autore: U. Hebeisen
Visite 2983, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

after installing Evo 12 I can not use it on my Win7 machine (it is a VM running on a Mac). First I have to say that the automatic update to 12.02.17 didn't work when Evo 12 was running. It always ends in an Error 406. After quitting Evo 12 and start the Updater from the Explorer I could have Evo 12 updated.

Now when starting Evo 12 it displays the splash screen and I also could do some settings. But as soon as I click start it displays the "step 1" page asking me to start a new project or use an existing one. And that is it ...

Ne reaction after that click! I had to use the task manager to kill the Evolution 12 item on the list.

Any idea what is wrong with my Evo 12.02.17?

btw: there is also Evo 10 installed on the VM and that version runs fine.

Postato il
Neil J.
Neil J.

Hi there,

I also found you have to close Evo down before running the updater, it's been that way in all my copies of Evo I have had.

I've had trouble with Evo 12 Lots of freezes and lots of hangs with forced closing.

It's a fairly new Win 7 system on a dual boot with XP.

Though now I have got over that and I found that critical updates to Win 7 seemed to stop the hangs and freezes, so you could make sure you update your Win 7 copy.

I moved Evo 11  into the Win 7 partition and that is fine no problems, in fact it starts and runs better than in XP.

I'm still having crashes on occasions when previewing, but hope this can be sorted out because it's been bloody frustrating.

Anyhow I await to see what Claudio comes up with in the week ahead.

Good luck.


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Postato il da Neil J.
Claudio D.

Hello U. Hebeisen,

As first try to install all windows updates as Neil suggested and then try again to see if then it works.

If this should not help try to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps:

To repair the .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4 you need as first to use following cleanup tool to remove .NET 4:
Once done go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
This procedure can take some time to deactivate and activate .NET 3.5.1 and once done reinstall .NET 4 after downloading it from following link:

Please keep me updated.

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Postato il da Claudio D.
U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen

hi Claudio,

thank you for your support. Repairing the .NET Frameworks helped (a little). After that I could run Evo12 and for the first time I was able to choose an existing (old) project file. It opened and it worked up to step 5 upload to a webhost.

However Evo12 subsequently hangs while performing simple editing task (e.g. working on a text object). Then I have to force it to quit (task manager) and even worse I had to restart Win7 in order to get Evo12 working again. If I just quit it and restart it from the startmenu it will stop working after displaying the window in step1 (choosing a project or start a new project).

As long as Evo12 isn't as stable as my previous Evo10 version I won't use it for my courses and I won't do my examples with Evo12. Do you have any suggestions for a painless creation of a website with Evo12?

I will try with a fresh project but I am uncertain if that will help.

kind regards

ps. Win7 needs to have all updates installed as you mentioned as a first step.

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Postato il da U. Hebeisen
Claudio D.

Hello U. Hebeisen,

Take in consideration a virtual machine can bring also own issues since it's all emulated and not real hardware. What you can also try it to verify if you have all  x86 Visual C++ redistributables. You nca find them all here:

Proceed to install them if missing the x86 version of them and test with a new project if you experience the same issues.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen

hello Claudio,

now I'm back with my results. I found that the update of the .NET Frameworks of several patches failed. When shutting down the Win7 "computer" (actually it's a VM) and let the system do the requested updates it never reports those failed .NET Framwork updates.

One had to go to the Windows Update system task (see screenshots) and checking that all neccessary updates are successfull and in place.

Once this was done I could start my x5 Evo12 and start a new project that worked fine. There are other issues (e.g. very slow response when changing pictures in a template) but the issue of this topic "Evo12 freezes right after the start" is solved now.

Thank you.


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Postato il da U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen

one thing I forget to mention regarding the virtual machine I am running my x5 Evo12. I'm using VirtualBox (VB) from Oracle and since x5 makes no use of an external device like CD-ROM or USB-stick not even a printer - which all are available and working with my VM by the way - it is not critical to use a VM.

In my case there was just one thing I have overseen; my disk space. While having several Evo version installed in parallel and a handfull other programms over the last year the C:\ had no free memory (all user data is on a shared folder). Win7 then starts to build a swap file. This might be another reason that the .NET Framework updates and others failed. I don't know.


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Postato il da U. Hebeisen
Claudio D.

Hello U. Hebeisen,

Did you set enough ram and cpu power to the virtual machine?

The performance of a virtual machine is never the same of a real computer with the same hardware since the host OS can have other tasks in backgroudn which then slows the VM.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen


I have checked your recommendations for a real machine and compare thist to my VM:

(The OS installed is Win7)

RAM: 1GB recommended, 4GB in VM

Screen Res: 1024x600 recommended, 1024x768 in VM

Can you recommend other settings for a VM? E.g. number of CPUs. It is currently set to one but it only makes sense to increase that number if x5 does multi-threading?


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Postato il da U. Hebeisen
Claudio D.

Hello Ueli,

You need to find the settings which fits best with the host you are using since it is necessary also for the host to have enough memory to run the virtual machine. Try to set more CPUs to see if this brings benefits since the program has the options to run more processes at the same time. Test it with a demo version since the program needs to be unlocked with every change you make since it appears as a different computer. In this way you can make all tests and when you get the best results proceed to unlock the full version.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.