Souligner le tire de la page 
Autore: Hervé B.
Visite 2032,
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serai t'il possible d'ajouter dans les prochaines versions, la possibilité de souligner le titre des pages.
merci d'avance meilleures salutations
Postato il
Would it be added in future releases, the ability to highlight the title pages.
Yours sincerely thank you in advance
Hello Hervé B.,
Thank you for the suggestion which will be kept in consideration for future releases of the program. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when a specific function will be added in the program but all these suggestion will be kept in consideration.
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
Mercipour la suggestionqui seramaintenu enconsidération pourles futures versions duprogramme.Malheureusement, jene peux pasvous dire siet quandune fonction spécifiquesera ajoutédans leprogramme, maistous cessuggestion seramaintenu enconsidération.
Merci beaucoup!