Tabs in text object 
Autore: Duncan Baker
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If I use text in a dynamic object I can use tabs to align columns like I would do in a word processor.
But if I enter text in a iext object, the tabs do not seem to line up.
Grateful for thoughts,
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Maybe i don't understand, cause I just tested and the key TAB does not work in an dynamic content object / page and the dynamic content has no tab function.
But if you would like to line up text in colums. Why not use 5 (for instance) colums with text objects ?
But Again maybe I don't understand...
BR Andre
Thanks for your reply Andre. Sorry if I didn't express myself clearly.
This is tabs working fine to make columns in a dynamic content page:
This is it not lining up in a normal text object:
as you can imagine it would be quite a faff to use text objects for this.
Grateful for further thoughts,
No problem,
To get this correct I suggest use a table, after setting the text, remove the borders.
That will do the trick.
BR Andre
Yea - but that would be very wearisome.
I have done it again as a dynamic object and that seems to work fine - and will be easier to update;
BW Duncan
maybe it is, but you need to setup once and then it's easy, if you need to adjust one row you can do this with a simple mouse drag for all text.
Also it ensures correct view on all browsers.
If you want to use a space in a text object you can use the left alt key with 0160 on your numeric keypath (Non-breaking space). This gives you also 1 space. but you can't see it and it's easily confused with a nomal space that will get you in some browsers a different view. If you use an html object you will see the code. But tab's don't work on both objects.
I will still advice the table object you can use 32 rows, 7 colums. if you don't use the second row you can then add the 2 columns for instance on your text 'Dorrington (C of E Aided) '. I also like to advice to set all first telefone numbers in the same column ( so take care to set enough colums before that for the other objects) leaving one empty orr adding them in some cases wil help. This makes sure that all telefone numbers are aligned acroos the page (they are not at the moment) this looks better also imho.
You can set the heigt of all rows by selecting them all in the first colum and then use right mouse click. So if you get comfortable you will see it's not that wearisome. you could even set the borders very light grey to show differents this becomes a sort of header, adjust text a little higher or lower, add small pictures.... it's just the setting up you need to give a good design, then maintaining it is easyer then with the dyn. object. (also dyn. object data is on your webserver, if something happens there your data is lost, in x5 you can use a backup project and you are live again. So there are some advantages but yes also some more work, especially at the start.
Else I would not know, it's an code issue why the tab's do work and not work, but I would never advice to use them cause the view from visitors can be different cause of browser used.
BR Andre
Thanks Andre,
It was very kind of you to answer in such detail.
BW Duncan
Seems to work OK in Chrome, Opera and Edge - so I think I'll leave it until I get complaints!
thats up to you offcource. Maybe other members have other thoughts.
As long as it works for you then why not.
Actually - if you look at the HTML generated, there does not appear to be any reason it should not work in all browsers.
Thanks again for your help Andre.