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John S.
John S.

Slideshow on certain pages  en

Autore: John S.
Visite 2627, Followers 3, Condiviso 0  

In earlier versions, You were able to create a slideshow and define for an image a link, and which page(s) the image was to be shown on. This was useful if You had a site with different languages.

It seems that You are no longer able to define which page an image has to be shown on.

How to do this in ver. 13 pro ?

Kind regards


Postato il
Claudio D.

Hello John,

You can use the image object as first object on every page and set the header to 0 as height so you will have automatically this image as header.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
John S.
John S.

Hello Claudio

Usually I understand when You give an answer - but not this time.

It is regarding the same as what I had in ver. 12 :

It is about the language AND the function seen on the attachment.

If You have made a smart solution for the language, I would like to know about that too.

Kind regards


PS It seems that Your post has been marked "USEFUL" - if it is me that has done this, it was not my intention.

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Postato il da John S.
Jorge M.
Jorge M.

Hello John S.
I selected the useful option (and another user). At least for me, the answer Claudio gives an option to the problem and adds the advantage of extending the header 100%. It´s Not the correct answer, that only you can give, but for me and some users is useful.


Jorge M.


Hola John S.
Otro usuario y yo, marcamos la opción util, por lo menos para mi, la respuesta de Claudio da una opción de solución al problema y agrega la ventaja de ampliar el encabezado al 100%. No es la respuesta correcta que solo la puedes marcar tu, pero para mi y algunos usuarios es util.


Jorge M.

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Postato il da Jorge M.
John S.
John S.

Hello Claudio and Jorge

I have tried to look at this solution, and it will maybe work for me. This way You have full control over the "header", and when using the new "row format" function, You can have a header background You can "design".

I though see one disadvantage - You have to be absolutely sure You have the "header" spot on.

If You have to make changes ( logo, color or other things ) You will have a lot of work to do - specially if You have many pages.

One of the good things to X5, is that if You want to change something, most things are changed automatically for You ( menu, page names, header and so on )

A maybe silly question : how does x5 handle using an image multiple times - is it stored several times with a new generated name, or is it only stored once ?

And another question : what happened to the "show on page option" in the slide show ?

Kind regards


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Postato il da John S.
Claudio D.

Hello John,

If you add more files with the same name then the program creates duplicates with a modified name since it cannot know if it's the same image or a different one with the same name and instead of overwriting it the program makes copies with slightly different names.

The slideshow object has been removed and now there's the gallery object like in the content section which doesn't have this function.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.