How to place slide show which was at header of WebSite Pro 125 to header WS13 
Autore: Андрей К.
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How to transfer slide show which was at header of WebSite Pro 125 to header WebSite Pro 13? As i see new version have not possibilities to place standart slide show at header?
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Hello Andreij,
thank you for you message. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to insert the slideshow in the header. Still, it is possible to insert the objects which were before only avaiable for the pages.
I am avaiable for further information. Kind regards.
сделайте шапку страницы меньше, оставив место только для названия и телефона, а слайд-шоу разместите ниже, чем проблема)
И что? так тянуть из страницы в страницу? Как то не красиво и тяжело, да и можно, наверное другой тип слайд шоу воткнуть, но только слайд шоу остались только платные, а был хороший инструмент. 300 страниц переделывать из-за...слов нет...Ж.О.П.А.
this is unfortunately not possible anymore, but we will be providing some new tutorials for responsive sliders on
Please inform me additionally about new possibilities, becasue i can't use new version of program due this not clever update... And as i understand i can place only gallery - that is ...also not so usefull. If you will add any slide show: Masonry or Slice box or Sliding panels - there will better decision for many opeople - not only for me.