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Tom W.
Tom W.

Footer does not center in small viewport  en

Autore: Tom W.
Visite 1809, Followers 2, Condiviso 0  
Parole Chiave: center,footer,viewport


Having same issue (I think). Take a look at on a mobile. Everything looks great and all fits. This was done using x12.

Now try This was done using x13.

You'll see that you can actually move it horizontally. Even when I switch 'menu always visible' it's still wider than the mobile screen. Seems like the 'always visible' thing still affects the view. Funny though when you do the same thing in Firefox everything is just fine. With ONE exeption. You CANNOT centre the footer. It's always left alligned (of course all settings are to centred).

When 'always visible' is on the uploaded logo is as it should be on the left and the menu on the right but IT'S TOO WIDE.

I tried that on S5 and S7 Edge and get same results.

Thanks for your help.


Postato il
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Trevor, your site looks great on my mobile, but you should make the graphic in the footer narrower if you want it to fit on all mobile portrait views. I think Incomedia are a bit optimistic with their 480px screen width for mobiles, I believe it's more like 380px.

You may also wish to replace/update the graphic visible in the menu on page scroll options, it appears to have become disconnected and only displays the alt text.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Trevor, you can modify the breakpoint under template, customisation, resolutions and responsive design. Change Viewport2 to 400 or 380.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Tom W.
Tom W.

Hey Esahc,

I have the same issue. Check this out

This is x13 pro. Now have a look at

The first one was created based on the Polish one. So no responsive settings changed but the Polish one is displayed correctly (I haven't used x13 on it so what you can see was created by x12). So x12 does it properly but x13 messes it up I think. Or maybe there's something I don't know about the new settings in x13.

Glad if you could help on this one.


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Postato il da Tom W.
Tom W.
Tom W.

Oh and changing the viewport settings to lower res doesn't solve the issue.

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Postato il da Tom W.
Andre E
Andre E


If you want the responsive footer to be correct for all viewports you need to design them 4 times! For every vieport once, the viewports are shown by colour bars and can all be seperatly set / designed. so that the footer looks also good in lower viewports.

See my earlyer post:

To set the footer correct for all viewports, check your preview in x5, set the view port to the lowest part for every colour. Set in this position the footer objects to be shown correct. Do this for all colour bars, you can select them in the footer on the left, in the preview they are on top.

Small tip, you can remove some less importand items in the smallest viewport else you have a big footer or it's not clear to read. Or set it all if it fits, that's up to you.

Hope this helps,

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Postato il da Andre E
Tom W.
Tom W.

Hi Adre,

That was the first thing I did. All footers have different designs/contents.

Major (good) difference between x12 and x13.

Still the smallest footer is not centred (all other are).

And still it doesn't solve the problem of the view being too wide.

As you can see the Polish website done with x12 works perfectly fine.

Can you think of any other settings that might cause this? If not I guess this needs to be reported to Incomedia to correct as it looks bad on a mobile (it just floats sideways).

Best wishes,


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Postato il da Tom W.
Andre E
Andre E

It's probably pushed to the left because the content is too large for the viewport, I am not sure what picture does this because you have a lot in the footer, cut down and select in the smallest footer viewport only the most intrested or importand content for your visitor.

Start with 1 object and see how this reacts then keep on adding until you find the picture or text that is responsible for pushing it to the left. Or stack everything on top of eachother. If you found the object in question try remove it and add it again, maybe some content was not read correctly by x5, else reduce it or remove it.

But again keep in mind that this view is on a very small display, don't fill it too much or stack above eachother instead of next to eachother.

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Postato il da Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Tom W, you should create you own post with this problem, but. . . .

If you change the viewport width to 400 or less, it lets you visualise the problem more correctly as for what would display on a phone. I looked at both sites, it "appears" you have not placed the content correctly in the mobile resolution. To date I have not had an issue with multiple sites, as long as I carefully size and place content. I usually make all content of the footer invisible at less than tablet view, then specifically create and place content for mobile view.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Tom W.
Tom W.

Hi guys,

Thank you for all the help. Found what was causing it. It was the chat script. It was so far to the right I could barely see it in footer settings. Now moved it to the left and works fine.

Again thank you for your time.


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Postato il da Tom W.
Andre E
Andre E
Esahc ..
Tom W, you should create you own post with this problem, but. . . .

That I can help you with.

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Postato il da Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

Glad it's solved!

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Postato il da Andre E