Version X13 ( ) will not start 
Autore: John S.I have a problem with X13. Well - I actually have a lot of problems - all described on the forum.
AND as many new issues it started from the .22 update.
I have the "Opening the main window" hanging and it keeps hanging there. You can see it on the screenshot.
It is not my PC that has problems. As the X13 fakes it is loading, I can run other programs and shut them down and open more programs at the same time - all my programs ( except the X.xx from INCOMEDIA ) are behaving as they should.
My ver X12 evolution, has never caused me problems and have not done it until now - as I tried to start other programs, I thought : what about to start the X12 - and - it stops now also by "opening the main window".
I will do some investigation on this, but I will ( again ) ask for a fix for all the problems.
I am gladthatI am not alone,I'm goingwith theX5version9evosince2012.Starting from version12toversionpoison,andso much timeyouspendon the fact thatsomethingis downorgets stuck,itis a disaster.Andprojects thatdrag behind mefrom previous versions ofthelarge size of theproject,soI canjustthrow awayand startfrom scratch.It thenI do not needVYSWYGeditor,butI can goonworldpressu.Atime, reliability and qualityforwhich I willbe better.Mylevelswere fulfilled,now it'sonINCOMEDIA,if itsolves the followingupdates andstopsflooding theprocessorwhen you saveormakea free program thatcorrectserroneousprojectsthatwilltreadaswatches.
Or maybethey want to sellX5for14th
John, does it make any difference if the network is not running? (disconnect cable, disable adapter or turn on flight mode)
David : You are right - INCOMEDIA should create a stable program. I am sure they are trying this, right now, but they could tell us users, what is going on. They really should. And You should have Your "space" button fixed :-)
Esahc : No - it makes no difference. Luckily a restart can do wonders, but I am using the X13 as the only program to run. Even then it can 1. Crash 2. Freeze 3. stop uploading with 99%.
INCOMEDIA : I am so insecure when using the X13, that i seriously consider alternative solutions. It is unacceptable that You can't start a new project and promise a "finished day" for the project, as You are not sure that Your software is able to let You work on a project. We ( You and Your users ) both have an interest in a program that functions.
If YOU need information from US then ask for it.
WE need information from YOU. ( what is going on and how do You see the future for a new patch )
Maybe You could have an option in the software : Allow X5 to send technical information to INCOMEDIA. This way You can see what environment the software operates in. Maybe You already do this, but then We ( at least I'm not ) are not aware of this.
Kind regards
I made a silly suggestion in my former post " option in the software...."
Of course it should not be in the software, as You could then not produce a specifikation list when the software doesn't function.
It should be a separat piece of software from INCOMEDIA that could produce a file with computer specifikations needed.
OR it could be an existing piece of software ( maybe SPECCY ) that INCOMEDIA specifies to be used.
It should be the same reportgenerator for all users, to make it rather simple do compare lists and analyze for similar equipment ( processor, graphic card, RAM and type ) for people having trouble.
Then - when You experience technical problems ( as now ), You could produce a list that could be attached to a private post, and then INCOMEDIA could try to find out what is common for the computers/users that has a problem.
Maybe a new post-type "Error reporting", where You had the possibility to have a post that was public and to mark an attachment for "public" or mark it for "INCOMEDIA only".
Hello John,
Thank you for the suggestion you made.
About the issue you experience while loading the program you said after restarting the computer it was then loading fast again?
In case it should happen again can you please test if following these steps helps?
- Open the windows start menu or press the Windows Key + R and search for cmd.exe and with the rightclick option choose to run it as administrator.
- In the Command Prompt enter following command:
lodctr /R
- Press enter
Please keep me updated.
Hello Claudio
I have decided not to spend more time on the X13, before there is a stable version.
Until then I will find an alternative way, to make new projects.
Kind regards