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Terry  R.
Terry R.

Duplicate titles and description  en

Autore: Terry R.
Visite 1461, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


After running an audit on my websites built with x513 pro. each time there is an error. It says duplcate titles and descriptions found. How can I resolve this. Every time I change the home page. It duplicates in the settings. Image attached.


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Andre E
Andre E

What audit did you use, and why not use the checker within x5?  (step5 -> analyse-> start)

Every audit program check's in different ways some say it should be this way and others say it's the other way around.

I stopt checking my websites with external checkers cause it gives you a lot of extra work (and in my case a headdache) and in most cases it's not worth the time.

But I would like to give the one you use a try to see what's happening on my site and on other professional sites for instance to see what messages comes out, just to see how good the checker is or how importand the notice they give.

For the duplicate I don't even see a file so where is the index.html compared to?

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Postato il da Andre E
Terry  R.
Terry R.


When I go to a X5s Anilizer, it says 100 percent. And I use Traffic Travis to keep an eye on my ranking in SEs, The sites weren't doing great so I went to and I got a score of 78/100. So I used a software programme called SEO powersuite which is the image I sent earlier. It showed me all the errors and warnings for each page. I followed each one and corrected it then I re loaded the audit untill all I had left was the dupliactes I was talking about. Now when I go to I score 94/100. i just cant work out why I am getting the same title and description in the settings and the index page, which is the home page.


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Postato il da Terry R.
Claudio D.

Hello Terry,

The search engines can see the pages and as 2 different pages but both opens the same.

Generally this can be changed on the hosting and the hosting support will be  able to help you in this since this depends on the configuration of the hosting server.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.