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David Beard
David Beard

I just got and my software updated to a new version. I can add local image.  en

Autore: David Beard
Visite 390, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

I could create a image using local image just once. Then everytime after that It will only allow a "Image Online from Library..." . This happen even when I tried to change and existing published image too!

Thank You,

David Beard

Postato il
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

David, I have tried to recreate this issue and can not I'm sorry.

I added an image cell, put a local image in it, then went back and put a different local image in it without difficulty.

Have you restarted your PC recently? I have had similar issues (inability to edit text in a text cell) when Windows did a background update that I was not aware of.

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