X5 Pro upgrade glitches / speed 
Autore: Jonathan W.I have just paid to upgrade from X5 v.12 to X5 Pro.
To put it mildly I am having some issues, the main ones being the speed of the program (the content has been imported from the standardX5 so the project size is similar).
Also the speed and operation of the preview as an example:
I have just added the translate widget into the header, I save the project file for this change only and it runs through the little saving files green bar thing - twice! and takes about 1 minute for just this change.
When I finally get the preview up there is no translate widget and it has also removed my logo - I double checked they are both showing in the header/footer program page.
Also in preview mode I have had product descriptions cut in half, photo's appearing with strange colours / stripes over them.
Does anyone else have these issues as I am seriously considering requesting a refund as I don't think this software is fit for purpose - I cannot design and publish a website if I can't see how it is going to appear!
Not to mention the "buy now" issue is still there in the pro version.
I have managed to copy some of the faults into a document so you can see.
second attempt!
I recently imported a V12 into V13 and noticed significant delays in generating previews and saving the project until I sorted out and corrected the content of the headers and footers at each resolution. I also had some issues with menu content fitting even in desktop view due to different techniques for measuring the total desktop menu width, this caused my site to default to the "toaster" menu until I expanded the width of my page to accomodate the menu.
I have also had severe performance issues on sites where I have used overly large images, I now resize all images to 1024px wide max before adding them to WX5.
Are these your issues?
Is the site you are upgrading desktop only or responsive?
The picture you posted was from your shopping cart, were you looking at it full screen or was the browser perhaps only the width of a tablet or phone? (this would explain loss of header/footer content as well)
Can you post a link to the current or updated site??
Hello Jonathan,
Which windows version are you using?
Please try to reboot windows and then open the project again in the program and press CTRL while opening the preview to see if then the content appears correctly.
About the speed issue can you please test if the same happens also with a new project?
Many thanks!
Hi chaps - thanks for your help so far - the pic posted was from a full sized desktop in so not a responsive setting problem.
I run windows 10 on an HP with i5 processor -it's usually pretty quick. I have tried rebooting the program and the PC - it makes no difference.
The header thing is odd - on first import it is fine, however as soon as you add something extra (like the translate widget) or change it it disappears. I have had to adjust the template fields to get the menu buttons to reappear that was easy.
I re-imported the same files again as an additional project - this time the logo appears and I get the translate widget to work but I then changed some text in box on my home page and the same thing happened - all of a sudden the whole lot disappears from the preview.
I have just changed some text (only text) on the home page - time to generate preview: 2 minutes.
I wonder if the files are just not converting correctly there seems to be nothing consistent - I have 2 projects imported from the same files - 1 header works the other doesn't. It has also re-arranged the order that the products appear in.
This is not a live site - I earn my living from this I still only have X5 evo v.12 live - there is no chance of me using the pro as it is performing at the moment.
Image sizes - I have about 300 products each with 5-6 photo's per product - I suspect changing those could be a lifetimes work -most image szes are about 1mb - I don't really want to reduce the quality - you can't sell products with a rubbish photo!
I am wondering if to get this working properly I would have to start a complete new project - if I knew I had to do that I would never have bought it!
Any more suggestions would be gratefully received.
If you have any html code at all in headers, footers or cells you could try temporarily removing it. I only mention this because I had strange issues with one project until I removed the code which worked perfectly in V12, but was obviously not up to scratch for V13.
My only other suggestion is to export from V13 and then import that iwzip into V13. I have had a couple of successes where strange layout behaviour and slow saving was fixed by this technique.
It's a pity you have so many pics. Maintenance of a couple of my sites was dramatically improved by resampling the pics down to the maximum size they will be displayed on the website (from the users point of view there should be no loss of quality and in fact if your imaging software is good, it may well be better) so that neither WX5 nor the browser have to do the resampling. This helped in V12, but in V13 it was almost essential in achieving fast previews and saving. The resultant web load times also meant the site was useable on mobiles and tablets.
I have now had more odd things happen.
This is the second import of the file - the header seems ok at the moment but I am not convinced it will stay that way.
This time I have pressed the preview button having changed a listing and the software has started creating project files - it has done this twice in immediate succession - pic attached.
I have also tried to change a listing that I was having problems with in preview mode with half the title cut off so I thought I'd move it to a different part of the page - same problem as my first file import it has an error - I will post that pic next.
Just to explain what I am trying to do: I used to have the product description next to the product but I have now found the "showbox" function where I can put the description and photos to appear as pop-ups.
I want to do this because when I get an order the file has all the product description written out in full and I want to get rid of it.
Great on a pc with a mouse.. but.....I can't get it to work on a tablet/touchscreen because pressing the photo or title makes both the description and photo appear. The photo is on top of the description and you can't read it - close the photo and the description closes as well. If anyone has any suggestions to correct this I would love to hear them as this is very nearly a great feature (but only nearly).
I will post some photos.
Pic of error on listing - again
Here you can see the product box, the pop-up description and the photo covering the desxcription
I have now tried exporting the project and importing it again - it has reset stuff like background colours (you can't read the input fields on the customer info boxes now) - I made 1 change to a country code and had a 2 minute wait for a preview - didn't touch an image!
What a shame for a minute I thought I had a solution when the preview bar zipped along to about 95% - and then stopped!
Hello Jonathan,
Please, try the following:
- Open the windows start menu or press the Windows Key + R and search for cmd.exe and run it with the right click option as administrator.
- In the Command Prompt enter following command:
lodctr /R
- Press enter
Once done check if the speed issue is solved.
Check also to not have any custom HTML codes in the project.
Many thanks!
I have tried lodctr /R and it returns an error (code2), there are no html codes other than for the link to Facebook.
I am deleting everything and going to copy over another copy from X5 v.12 and see if that works but I am not hopeful.
X5 v.12 is working fine with no speed issues.
Hello Jonathan,
Try to run lodctr /R again when you receive error 2 and don't forget the R must be capital.
Please keep me updated.
I have now copied the project over for the fourth time - success!!! it works but is still slow - despite me reducing the image sizes. It is now live at www.prokraft.co.uk
I have noticed that it resets some of the parameters previously set (changes all the page orders etc)
I also have another issue (this could be me so any help gratefully received):
when I have an imported listing from X5 v.12 there is a scroll bar next to the product description to view the text entry.
On new listings created in X5 pro there are only little arrows - no bar (it also resets the box display which is why I was getting a half-title appearing).
How do I get the scroll bar back - I cannot find a control for it anywhere!
Also I have ticked the "new product" box - no ribbon appearing on the products!
You may wish to re-visit your header at the various resolutions, at this moment the logo (from desktop resolution?) is still visible at lesser resolutions.
Thanks for the note about the header - I can't seem to change it - in desktop mode it is fine as soon as I go to a lower res there is another logo behind it - I cannot select this to delete it, I can only select the front one which removes the logo from everything. Is it me?
Jonathan, move the logo you want out of the way, locate the logo you do not want and hide it for this and subsequent resolutions, then put your logo back.
Remove the low res logo, find the desktop animation and resize it for that resolution :-)
Hi I have now found the second logo, it was not in the header section it was one I managed to get into the page layout section (so long ago I had forgotten).
I think it is now sorted - thanks for your help.