Autore: Thorleik Nellemann
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My webpage www.lørdagsklubben.dk was before named www.lordagsklubben.dk, since the danish letter ø was not permitted in the old days.
When the webpage's shopping basket function now sends a message to me or to customers, the mails with a .dk ending are not delivered. Mails with .com endings are delivered, though.
My hosting support says it is because my webpage still uses the sender-address *** instead of webmaster@lørdagsklubben.dk, since the domaine lordagsklubben.dk does not exist any longer.
That I have not been able to correct in the X5 Professional 11 environment.
Can you please help?
Thorleik Nellemann
Postato il
Could it be that in step 4, advanced settings, shopping cart, sending order you still have the old domain name as the "email address for receiving orders"?
If you have a gmail account you could send a dummy order to it and see the sending email address to see if that is the issue.
Hi Esahc
Thanks for your comment, but...
In "step 4, advanced settings, shopping cart, sending order" I do not see any field to insert domaine name, - as you write. If I am mistaken, please explain :-)
The domaine name should be lørdagsklubben.dk but the system apparantly has kept the obsolete name lordagsklubben.dk.
My hosting support says that they receive data under the sender-address *** instead of webmaster@lørdagsklubben.dk, and this does not work since the domaine lordagsklubben.dk does not exist any longer.
They ask me to change to webmaster@lørdagsklubben.dk. But how?
Or: Where does the address webmaster@whatever come from?
The strange symptoms at the moment are:
If the return mail adress or the customer address is a ".com" adress the mail file says the following:
Return-Path: <***>
But when the return mail adress or the customer address is a .dk adress the mail is not received at all to that address, only to .com addresses.
The address webmaster@lordagsklubben/lørdagsklubben has not been initiated by me, but apparently by the system itself.
Similarly another X5 website of mine, www.cepages.dk generates by itself the addres ***, as follows:
And this works fine.
I have also not invented the address ***. The system has generated this address.
The return address for my customers to see is indicated on my website on "step 4 Data", and is *** on both websites. And that worked fine in the old days of lordagsklubben.
PS: If you like: Feel free to make a dummy order at www.lørdagsklubben.dk or at www.cepages.dk, and inspect the system's automatic answer in your maibox. Please write "dummy order" in comment field - especially if you by any chance live in Scandinavia :-). If not don't worry.
Thorleik, if as you say all sender email addresses have the correct domain name, is it possible that when you first set up hosting you did so as lordagsklubben.dk because you had no choice?
If this is the case, when you send email from your contact form or purchase form, the mailer may be picking up this original domain name from your account.
Perhaps you could ask your host if there is any reference to lordagsklubben.dk in your hosting account.
(I'm sorry - this is a guess, but at this time it's all I have :-)
Hello Thorleik Nellemann,
In step 4, advanced settings, shopping cart, sending order which email is set to send the order?
Have you tired tro replace the email there with the new one and then export the project online?
Many thanks!
To Esach:
I think you are perfectly right. It was originally set up as lordagsklubben.dk and that is probably the problem. At least it is what my host says is the problem. But he also says that I must fix it on my X5 website.
The domaine lordagsklubben does not exist any longer.
So: How do I - in X5 - set my X5 website "off" lordagsklubben.dk and "to" lørdagsklubben.dk?
Note: If this is "not possible", since X5 is not programmet or attached to any particular domaine at all, my conclusion would be that the problem is probably in the host's server, although he is denying that. Therefore my question: Is a X5 website attached to a defined domaine from birth and if so: Can it be changed?
Do you think it would be an idea to change host? Or will I just bring the problem along to the new hosting?
Or I could pose the question in this way: Can I export the whole website completely unchanged to another host - and even to another domaine name ? - with no other changes than the ftp address and password and data base adress and password that the new host dictates? i.e. without worrying about lordagsklubben or lørdagsklubben code in X5.
To Claudio: In step 4, advanced settings, shopping cart, I have tried several different order-receiver-email addresses (shop address), and the .com adresses always receives the mail, but .dk adresses do not. The same is true for customer adresses, when they make an order.
And I have tried emailadresses hosted and owned by different organisations and persons.
Thanks a lot for your comments so far..
Thorleik, I have my domain name registered with a totally separate company to my hosting company. If you have the same setup then it is easy to find a new host and simply change the domain name servers with the registrar.
If your host is also your domain name registrar then this could be a little more time consuming, but if you wish you should be able to transfer the domain name to a different registrar and then ultimately choose a new hosting company. A simple google search will find cheap hosting and domain name registration companies.
If there are entries buried either in the registration details or the hosting package records causing your issues, this should clear the problem.
Hello Thorleik,
You can export the project on every host you want only by changing the FTP data so it will be possible to connect to the new host to make the export online.
You don't need to worry about the domain in the project. It is only important the domain is set correctly in step 1.
Since only a type of mail is not receiving the emails then it depends on the hosting since if the script wouldn't work then it would not arrive any email, which means the host is not supporting the mail() php function to send emails from the website, but since in some cases they arrive then a setting on the host is not working correctly and only the hosting support will be able to help you.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudia and Esahc
Thanks for your contributions. I have now concluded that the matter is a little flaw in X5 and I have found a solution for my webpage.
I shall explain for you and subsequently pose a suggestion for improvement of X5:
I have reestablished the domaine www.lordagsklubben.dk. After doing that, everything worked in www.lørdagsklubben.dk
This does not mean that I have let lordagsklubben.dk being hosted anywhere - I have just claimed the domaine lordagsklubben.dk again, nothing else. Lordagsklubben.dk directs you to lørdagsklubben, though, but emerges on the screen as lordagsklubben (which I find a little surprising, by the way).
Now, to my conclusion: Since the X5-developed website www.lørdagsklubben.dk does not function without a domaine lordagsklubben present, I conclude that the X5 professional version 11 system's shopping basket function is not supporting the nordic letter ø - or at least is not doing that correctly.
So I hope this will be dealt with in later versions than no. 11, so I one day in future can quit my domaine lordagsklubben (and stop paying for it ;-) ).
Thanks again for your efforts in this matter
Thorleik Nellemann
Thorleik - congratulations on isolating the cause. I will note this issue for future reference.