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Thor K.
Thor K.

Login/Logout  en

Autore: Thor K.
Visite 1383, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

How to set username and password in this objekt?

How to make the pages that you log in to?

Any manusl/guide for this object?

Postato il
John S.
John S.

Hello Thor

In 1 - SETTINGS( general advanced ) - You choose advanced.

Here you choose : Access management

Here you create users and set the settings for how users can register.

This is the first step.

Then you make a normal page. When you have the page then in :

3 - MAP - you "mark" ( not doubleclick - only "mark" the page )  the page you want to lock, and in the top you have some options for the page. Here you choose : locked page.

Now the page is locked and when uploaded you can only acces it. by using a username and passw. from "access management".

You could use the login/logout object on the page, so you will have the option to log out again.

You can see more here :

Hope you are helped by this.

Kind regards

John S.

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Postato il da John S.