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Hello Nick
I have made some examples here :
You can also look here : here is used the wow-slider
And here : here is used the caroussel effect in the slideshow
Except for the "animated image" ( the ones that flips and that cost 16 credit) and the wow-slider, then the objects used is included in the X5.
There are much more possibilities. Hope this is what you meant.
If else - then ask again, and maybe a bit more specific.
Kind regards
John S.
Hello John S.
I mean in the next chain Image Object/ Sitemap/ Caption. I need some examples what to write in there.
Thank you
Kind regards
Hello Nick,
The caption you need to enter depends on the content of the image you added.
Many thanks!
In other words, a description of the image?
Hello Nick,
Yes correctly a description of the image.
Many thanks!