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Peter L.
Peter L.

Responsive design and menu options  en

Autore: Peter L.
Visite 761, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

How can I use responsive design and have different menus on designs? I want to have the menu always shown in "desktop-mode" but as a fold-out in other modes.

It would be nice if this was very easy to set - like the show/hide options where you can have something on a big screen and just hide it on next or lower viewpoints.

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John S.
John S.

Hello Peter

Look at this post :

Is this what you mean ?

Hej Peter

Den eneste måde du kan have menuen "responsive" er ved at gøre det på denne måde.

Der er ingen "straight" måde at lave forskellige menuer ved forskellige breakpoints.

Version 13 gør det automatisk - hvis menuen kan vises, så vises den - hvis ikke - så vises hamburger-menuen.

Du kan dog via java lave test på skærmopløsningen og udfra dette dirigere brugeren til nogle sub-sites - jeg vil ikke anbefale dette.

Med venlig hilsen

John S. 

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Postato il da John S.
Peter L.
Peter L.

Well it looks like the product lack an easy way to decide the menu. So please add an option in responsive design where we can choose between "normal" menu and "hamburger" menu. That woul be helpfull for many I think.

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Postato il da Peter L.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Peter, the hamburger menu will always appear if there is insufficient space for all menu items to be displayed. You also have the option of the menu visible when the page is scrolled down (template, customisation, page scroll options). This behaves the same as to whether or not the text is visible or the hamburger menu is displayed, with the added option of a logo or other graphic if you prefer.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hello Peter, 

as Esahc mentioned, the hamburger menu appears if the space for the menu is not enough, so to avoid any display error. In order to see the normal menu, you just need to increase the size of the menu area on Step 2- Template Structure. 

Please let me know if you need further help. Kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.