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Terence F.
Terence F.

Changing the page to php does not update the menu  en

Autore: Terence F.
Visite 9550, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Hello; I change the pagetype from html to php in expert mode and the first thing I noticed is the menu reference still points to the htmp page rather than the php page.

I deleted the html page from the server and I get a 404 error. I uploaded the whole site again and the menu reference still points to the html page. I even tried to force the page properties file name to the .php extension but that does not do anything

How/where is the controlled and how to get it updated?


Postato il
John S.
John S.

Hello Terence

It seems that you have done what you should - delete the html.

By time it should function, but maybe your local cache ( or an external cache ) has the "old" page that refers to the html and not the php - it then shows the error.

If you wait it should fix itself.

You could however as a temporary fix, create a html-page ( with the name of the page you have deleted ) that redirects to the php-page.

Until the cache ( locally or extern ) is renewed, then the fix will do that it is the php-page that is shown.

Else - just wait.

Kind regards

John S.

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Postato il da John S.
Terence F.
Terence F.

John; I don't think this has to do with the cache - the menu link still has the html file extension and not the php.

It's been over 12 hours since I updated and I'm using another PC so this is not a cache issue - check this site

Tregarne Items

... 404 error

change the link to php and it works; so the menu is not being update - so it seems.

I may just delete all the server files and upload the site files again


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Postato il da Terence F.
Terence F.
Terence F.

This is definitely a bug ... I deleted the server files and uploaded the entire site. The index.html file is not being updated for this menu option...

<li id="imMnMnNode4" class=" imPage">
<a href="tregarne-items.html">
<span class="imMnMnFirstBg">
<span class="imMnMnTxt"><span class="imMnMnImg"></span><span class="imMnMnTextLabel">Tregarne Items</span></span>

Is there another place other than manually editing the index.html file to change?


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Postato il da Terence F.
Terence F.
Terence F.

Strange - I clsed the project and reuploaded the site and its working. Project may not have been saved !

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Postato il da Terence F.
Claudio D.

Hello Terence,

Should you experience the same issue, try to press CTRL while opening the preview and then upload the project again.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.