WebSite X5Help Center

Paul Kay
Paul Kay

Professional 10 Cannot except payments through Paypal  en

Autore: Paul Kay
Visite 2747, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


Up until the 11th of this Month I was taking payments through Paypal from the website, now payments are not getting through asking for City, State, and zip code need to be correct?

They are all correct paypal is not excepting them all of sudden.

Can someone help?


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Paul Kay
Paul Kay


So these are the fields I have which paypal is not excepting?


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Postato il da Paul Kay
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you check with PayPal if they changed something ?

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Postato il da Pcssa .
Paul Kay
Paul Kay


Yes I contacted them today they are looking into it but they are just assuming its the software im using.


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Postato il da Paul Kay
Paul Kay
Paul Kay


I am using Professional 10 if I upgrade to latest software do i get more control on the fields do you know?


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Postato il da Paul Kay
Paul Kay
Paul Kay

The website is

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Postato il da Paul Kay
Elisa B.

Hi Paul, 

usually is the direct support for WenSite X5 not available, but please follow the procedure explained in this guide. It's in Italian, so I will provide you with a brief translation:

  • You must copy the first code and paste it into the personalized payment method
  • Customize the code by modifying the parameters indicated in bold
  • To customize the settings:
  1. &business=***> instead of *** you must insert the e-mail address that you use to receive payments from Paypal
  2. & currency_code = EUR> if you want the payments to be in € you can leave it like this, otherwise you have to put the currency you need.
  3. & return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldiconferma> insert the confirmation page URL of your website. You have to go to insert the URL the confirmation page URL of your website and click on "Encode", copy the generated URL and paste it into the personal code in WebSite X5.
  4. & cancel_return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldierrore> go to and repeat the procedure, this time with the error page URL of your site.

I wish you a good day.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
Paul Kay
Paul Kay

Hi Elisa.

Thanks for your help.

Sorry Im not understanding it very well where is the code to be placed and where is the personalised payment method?

It was really staright forward buliding the website through X5 so coding is not my thing really

any chance you could explain it in more simple terms ?



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Postato il da Paul Kay
Elisa B.

Hello Paul, 

of course, I can!

Insert the following code in Step 1 - Settings > Advanced > Shopping Cart > Order Management - Add> Payment Type- Custom Code

<a target="_blank" href="***&item_name=Ordine%20[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&item_number=[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&amount=[UESCAPE_PRICE, 1, ###.@@]&currency_code=EUR&button_subtype=services&no_note=0&charset=UTF%2d8&first_name=[UESCAPE_NAME]&last_name=[UESCAPE_LASTNAME]&address1=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS1]&address2=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS2]&city=[UESCAPE_CITY]&state=[UESCAPE_STATEREGION]&country=[UESCAPE_COUNTRYCODE]&zip=[UESCAPE_ZIPPOSTALCODE]&email=[UESCAPE_EMAIL]&no_shipping=1&return=http%3A%2F%2Furldiconferma&cancel_return=http%3A%2F%2Furldierrore"><img src="" alt="Pay Now"></a>

Then, you have to go to and generate the confirmation and error URL by first copying the URL of your website confirmation page and clicking on "Encode"  and then by repeating the same procedure with the URL of your website error page. 

You have to change the following parts of the test (which I will report again in the end with the bold parts):

  1. &business=***> instead of *** you must insert the e-mail address that you use to receive payments from Paypal
  2. & currency_code = EUR> if you want the payments to be in € you can leave it like this, otherwise you have to put the currency you need instead of EUR
  3. & return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldiconferma> instead of urldiconferma you need to paste the URL you have generated on the website  for the confirmation page nsert the confirmation page URL of your website. You have to go to insert the URL the confirmation page URL of your website and click on "Encode", copy the generated URL and paste it into the personal code in WebSite X5.
  4. & cancel_return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldierrore> instead of urldierrore you need to paste the URL you have generated on the website , this time for the error page

I will now report the entire code again with the bold parts, so you can see where they are:

<a target="_blank" href="***&item_name=Ordine%20[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&item_number=[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&amount=[UESCAPE_PRICE, 1, ###.@@]&currency_code=EUR&button_subtype=services&no_note=0&charset=UTF%2d8&first_name=[UESCAPE_NAME]&last_name=[UESCAPE_LASTNAME]&address1=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS1]&address2=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS2]&city=[UESCAPE_CITY]&state=[UESCAPE_STATEREGION]&country=[UESCAPE_COUNTRYCODE]&zip=[UESCAPE_ZIPPOSTALCODE]&email=[UESCAPE_EMAIL]&no_shipping=1&return=http%3A%2F%2Furldiconferma&cancel_return=http%3A%2F%2Furldierrore"><img src="" alt="Pay Now"></a>

Please let me know if you need further help.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

I am stuck here,

X5 is ment to be easy to set up. I do not know who said that as I just cannot get my paypal within my shop to work and it takes so long for x5 to get back to their customers with a sort of a note , then we have to go back again and again still not sorting out the problem. Can anyone tell me that after X5 knew there was going to be a problem with PayPal as they have already stated,why they did not take action and do an update on this issue, Could it be they want to sell their latest versions. I dont know but it dont smell right . I have lost over a week of customers who I may never get back due to the adminstration at X5  dragging their tails . They are not showing a duty of care towards their customers, some of us dunb bitches are not programmers so when they say do this or do that you might as well say go to the moon as your instructions is hard for me to follow. Sorry but I am fed up with the way X5 treats its customers. Christine  who is lost x

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Postato il da Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hi Christine,

I am very sorry for what you are going through and I understand that this solution might seems difficult to apply, especially if you are not used to using custom code. I have noticed you have written a post dedicated to this issue, which is always the best solution, as we can help you better in this way, and that you have received an answer from Claudio:

While you can refer to that post to find a solution, please consider that this issue has been solved in the version 13, which I see you have purchased and registered yesterday. So, I anticipate here that you could try to import the project into version 13, so to verify if you can solve this situation like this.

Please don't forget to give Claudio a feedback on your post.

Thanks, kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Hi Elisa

Thank you for the update, yes I have purchased Version 13 yesterday, and installed it onto one of my laptops. I have attempted to install it onto my 2nd laptop but I have used the download from my profile but it say it cant open it as it does not know what program to use, so I have the download in my download file but cannot install it onto my 2nd laptop. can you please tell me why this has happed. I have also purchased the install disk from you but that will not arrive for another 7 days, why can I not insatllonto my 2nd laptop. hope I do not have the same problem when I get version 14 in October. Look forward in your reply Christine

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Postato il da Christine C.