Using bcc in a email addres link 
Autore: Pete Wright
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I have an image in a table cell which when clicked I want to start the user's email system with a mixture of 'to' and 'bcc' addressees. Is this possible? The html code, I think, would be something like
to send the mail 'to' user1 and 'bcc' to user2 and user3
When I try and put this (without the mailto:) in the 'send an e-mail to' dialogue box for 'email address' in 'link' I get an invalid email address message. I have tried some variations, eg using a ';' rather than a ',' to separate email addresses but with no success. I am using V13 Pro
If anyone knows the correct syntax that would be very helpful
Postato il
<a href="mailto:indirizzo1(At) del messaggio&body=Contenuto del messaggio di posta">Scrivi una mail</a>
... (At) = @ ... mail1;mail2;mail3 (;)