Database viewer 
Autore: William J.
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Hi I have purchased the database viewer and installed it into a page. All works ok in that I can view my database on my published website but when I attempt to add a new record I get "error can't perform query" I can however change record details?
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I am presuming you are looking at the Automatic Registration Table. When you view your database table, exclude the 'id' column in the view. This is a unique number created by mysql, when you add a new record. This column is known as a PRIMARY KEY. This is the same for practically all database tables.
Yes it's the auto reg table I'm viewing.
I have excluded the id column from view as per your suggestion on my other post. It worked before I updated with the latest update. I'm going to wipe everything and start from scratch (yet again)
i will see what happens with a blank website and go from there.
I have just tested the dbviewer on the auto reg table, you must also exclude id,ts,ip,key
It should then allow you to add, however, as I stated before, if you have a more comprehensive excel/database, which includes your members email addresses, home addresses etc. I would create a separate table, say 'hockey_members', import your data in using phpmyadmin, column for column in the right order. Remember to make it accessible only to you. Then I would email the members asking them to register. You can vet who registers. I would leave the auto reg table alone.
You could use the contact object to create the table for you, however the contact object only creates and adds.
I have removed those as well. I only show name, email and password. I will try further and see what happens,
Ps. I'm not trying to import any database. I only have the one table with one member in it. I have just lost the ability to add a new user via the database viewer online in my website.
Well, I have tested my dbviewer with my auto reg table and I can add a user.
Can you still see the user in the table?
Yes I can see the only user that I have added. Going to have another go later. I will update then.
Well made a new website and added the database viewer still no luck.
I can see the users but cannot add a new user via the website. I can change users in the database but not add?
i have removed everything I'd,ts,ip,key and still nothing.
Hello William,
What did you use as table name on the new website you made?
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio
i named it member
Hello William,
Thank you for the information. Probably you need to set the ID field as primary on the member table.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio.
No not working still getting this message after making id primary??
I can see users and change but not add from the database viewer.
Hello William,
Can you please test with another table if then you can add a new field?
I wouldn't change too much on the automatic registration table otherwise it could happen to not work anymore as expected for the login on the website.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio
No no luck. I have created a temp small website and a new database named "player" and I still have the same problem.
Sorry William again, but delete/drop table. Let website x5 create the table, do not interfere, you do not make "id" primary, mysql/php do that, they create the id column, not you.
You create the database, not the tables in the database, the tables are created by websiteX5, they are programmed to do this. Further more column names are case sensitive, i.e. column is different from Column.
Sign in to my website and goto Membership->Online Membership, with your orb email address and I will allow you to access my 500 member DUMMY database, reserved for admin staff.
By the way this site is designed to appeal to 40 - 90 year olds, with lots of information.
PS give me a bit of time to arrange access.
Hi Mark,
I have created a dummy blank website with the database as per your direction and uploaded it. I have also created a new database on my hosting site and have checked that it is blank in myphpadmin. All ok so far.
I log onto my blank website and and register as a new member and I get the message that an email has been sent.
I check my email and I have recieved it and I authenticate the email and it showes up in my database. All ok so far.
when I log into my website and check the page with the database viewer I can see that the database has been updated with the new user. I can even click on the user and edit the details.
Now when I click on "add new record" I can enter the details but when I try to save the new user details I get the message above.
As far as I can tell I am doing everything correctly.
I will sign into your website and take it from there.
Thanks again for your help. Its so frustrating to get this far only to have it fail at the last post.
The dummy database I used comes from
I have adapted it for my purposes.
The AutoReg Table you will see is a copy of my real one, but with just you in it, plus I added Fred Flinstone, via the dbviewer.
Sign in at Online members and select the Administration link.
Test out the fast filtering, etc
Add your own data and delete your own data. I hope it is self explanatory.
You will see, whoever signs in is welcomed by their name, I can also show their email address. I will use the signed in email address to search the large database to see if there is a match. If there is they will be able to see their personal data and eventually update their own data. Hopefully LOL.
Hi Mark, thanks for that.
I like the idea of greeting you by name when you login. Everything works the way I thought it should. I login add, change and delete users no problem, (on your site)
My database shows exactly the same as yours when I view it online. I can even change, delete and search users but NOT add?
If I can login, view and change data then surely I should be able to add?
i will download the dummy database and see what I can do with it.
I am beginning to think it might be a problem with my hosting provider.
I will update here with the results.
If you can add on my site, as I see you have. Then it is not your computer. People are being added through the email validation as well. Is your dbviewer object up to date and lastly have you tried CTRL+ PREVIEW and then upload "ALL" website files.
yes its up to date but I have not tried CTRL+PREVIEW. I will try that later and upload all the website files again.
ps If I could be so bold as to ask who you use for web hosting? you might not be permitted to post it here if not could you email me on me email address theorbe?
im thinking it might come down to my hosting provider?? could be wrong though
ok I can add in CTRL+PREVIEW
Do you mean you have tried CTRL+ PREVIEW and then uploaded all files and still no joy?
I use this company
Also you could try uninstalling dbviewer and then reinstalling, just a thought.
ok I have uninstalled the db viewer. reinstalled db viewer checked that I can add new user via CTRL+PREWIEW which I can.
I have removed id,ip,ts,key from db viewer
I have uploaded ALL files and I still get the same message
This is what I get every time I try to add a new user via the db on my web page??
Im thinking the problem must be on the host side of things.
Sorry, but I cannot think of anything else.
Most probably a conflict between the command given by the dbviewer object and the hosting site.
Can you just check if your database page has a .php extension, because I can access a dbviewer page of yours (must be only hidden and not locked), which has a .html extension.
Got the snow working then, must be Xmas.
lol yep Christmas is comming.
ok I have checked that the db page is def locked but how do I change the page from html to php ext? Do I have to export to my desktop then change it then upload or is there another way to do it?
ps and hidden from the menu. I access the db page via a link on another page. Somthing like your setup that you got me to check on your website.
ok I have exported my site into a folder on my desktop and checked the ext on all the pages they all have a .php ext apart from the home page. I take it this is correct since I have locked all my pages apart from the home page which I use for login.
I see what you mean re the db.html.
I have deleted it from the online hosting folder but I still get the same error?
The last thing I can suggest is you export the project with all security data removed and email it to me at the address at the bottom of my website(webmaster@...), so I can upload it onto my hosting site and see if it works.
Hi Mark, thanks for that,
I have e-mailed you the file. Hope you have better luck than me.
Right, I created a new group called Office Staff and changed Administrators details to me and locked the database page to Office Staff.
Your login details are what your Administrators details were and your entrance page is the database page.
You will see 2 records, one email validation for me and one I added called Fred Flinstone. So working for me.
Of course all database details changed for my servers.
One thing on your home page I changed Username to Email.
Oops! website address
Now I would like to upload the project to your hosting company to eliminate any problems with your websiteX5 installation. If it fails to work. Then the only conclusion is that there is a problem with your host providers and dbviewer.
Hi Mark,
thats working 100% I was able to upload a new user and change details.
I will email you the upload details of my hosting provider. Dont worry about security this is only a test area and changes all the time.
I have uploaded the site and no joy! Credentials were in the project you emailed.
Your hosting company is not compatible with dbviewer.
Watching the Chelsea game now.
Oh well have to look at changing providers then.
Thanks for ALL your help Mark it has been greatly appreciated. Nice to see that there are others willing to help and go the extra mile.
Well managed to get it sorted. Happy now I got it working.