How can I make it possible for visitors to upload some documents to me 
Autore: Jurgen D.
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Hello ,
How can I make it possible for visitors of my site to add a file (eg : a picture) to their article in the shopping cart.
For example : Someone wants me to engrave a photo on to a wooden board.
I have an example of the wooden board in the shop but the customer wants his own picture of course.
How can he add this to the wooden board he orders ?
Thanks in advance
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Hello Jurgen
You could use a script ( there is several scripts on the net ) - or a more secure way - you could use the ADMIDIO software.
With this software you can allow users to upload files to folders on your site.
You can set credentials who should have access to do so - all or just certain groups of users.
You could also allow downloading of files - and set rights for the downloads also.
The ADMIDIO is a free system. You find it here :
It has support for several languages and is rather easy to set up. The system is a secure system.
Kind regards
Kohn S.
Perhaps your client can just email their photo to you.
Thanks Myron and John,
Myron , I had allready thought about the option you provide but I wanted to make it easier for the customer so I think I wiil have a go at the option John suggested.
Kind regards,