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E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

Google search console meta tag code is displayed on the home page  en

Autore: E.G. Teljeur
Visite 2917, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

I had this problem once before, but that was a project that was made in V13 and exported into V14 and that was fixed by incomedia. But now it surfaced again. The meta tag code for the Google search console is shown on the top of my homepage. If I delete this code in the project, and pres Ctrl and preview it is not shown in the preview viewer, but after uploading the project to the provider it is still there.

Postato il
Andre E
Andre E

Are you sure you set the correct code? check with google it should start with: <meta name="google- and so on....

If it starts with that it won't show up.

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Postato il da Andre E
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

????? It's suddenly gone, magic...

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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

I made a minor change on the project and uploaded to the provider. And now its back again on top of the home page....

This drive's me crazy..

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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


I have found if you delete all google code and simply insert it again the problem is resolved.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

I tried that but did'nt work

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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur
Andre E
Andre E


Andre E
Are you sure you set the correct code? check with google it should start with: <meta name="google- and so on.... If it starts with that it won't show up.

I don't see <meta name="google-site-verification" content="gg3X28JeVb6BN7zk8h62BLmwYecun9dEOVZPAoTaT4o" />

I only see: gg3X28JeVb6BN7zk8h62BLmwYecun9dEOVZPAoTaT4o this is not good.

Again: Check with google to get the correct coding! Or set the one I just gave you. But it's better to check your google verificatiion!

Let me know if I am not clear enough.

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Postato il da Andre E
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

The code is correct, I checked that at Google. the problem is that the html code is generated with the wrong coding.

Below is from the index.html as generated by X5

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- HTML5 -->
<html prefix="og:" lang="nl-NL" dir="ltr">
        <title>Soundwave Studio Wijdenes - Soundwave Studio</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <!--[if IE]><meta http-equiv="ImageToolbar" content="False" /><![endif]-->
        <meta name="author" content="E.G. Teljeur" />
        <meta name="generator" content="Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution -" />
        <meta name="description" content="De Soundwave Studio is een kleine opname studio in Wijdenes die zich richt op de muzikant met een klein budget. Er wordt gewerkt met een vaste prijs afspraak, dus geen vervelende kosten achteraf meer. 20 jaar ervaring in opname techniek, mixing en mastering staan garant voor een perfect eindresultaat. " />
        <meta name="keywords" content="Recording, Opnemen, Muziek, cd maken, vinyl, mastering, mixen, digitaal, ProTools, Studio, cd master, vinyl master, art work, cd art work, website maken, website ontwikkelen, geluidsopname, cd opnemen, drechterland, wijdenes, Femke Bloem, Jeannete Maria, Marcel Visser, lp persen, vinyl persen, muziek opnemen, geluidsstudio, muziekstudio" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
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        <script type="text/javascript">
            window.onload = function(){ checkBrowserCompatibility('Uw browser ondersteunt de functies niet die nodig zijn om deze website weer te geven.','Uw browser ondersteunt mogelijk de functies niet die nodig zijn om deze website weer te geven.','[1]Werk uw browser bij[/1] of [2]ga verder zonder bij te werken[/2].',''); };
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        <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Soundwave Studio Nieuws en Informatie"

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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur
Andre E
Andre E

yes i have seen the code.

but where did you add it in x5. prtscrn?

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Postato il da Andre E
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur


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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur
Andre E
Andre E

Je moet deze verificatie gebruiken bij google:

je gebruikt de verkeerde code van google, er zijn er meerdere, het moet in x5 beginnen met <meta enz....

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Postato il da Andre E

Read the post from Andre E.:

The correct code for meta tag:

 <meta name="google-site-verification" content="gg3X28JeVb6BN7zk8h62BLmwYecun9dEOVZPAoTaT4o" />

please give this from <meta....   to ...../> at this place (x5e14.jpg), make the controll by google for correct content 

google give you this code for here

not valid code are to show on the Homepage


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Postato il da JJ. JUAG
E.G. Teljeur
E.G. Teljeur

Ok, thanks. I did not realize that I had to include <meta name... etc. I thought that X5 would add that.

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Postato il da E.G. Teljeur