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Dave G.
Dave G.

X5Engine and Other File Modifications  en

Autore: Dave G.
Visite 2412, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

To provide more functionality to the website, I wish to modify the X5engine.php and other files to support creation of a user profile upon new and auto-registrations, updating the Contact Object fields to display information in the database and implement a force new password in conjunction with a password reset (Forgot Password) and validation with a secret answer from a secret question i.e. What is your favourite book? 'War and Peace'.

First is it possible to modify the X5engine.php and other HTML  / PHP files for additonal functionality?

When I do modify the X5Engine.php file it appears to break the database connectivity, where upon removing the change does not resolve the problem unless I restore the original file - am I misssing something or doing something wrong. The example is the Poll Object stops working with a temporary error message displayed which is only resolved by uploading and restoring the orginal X5Engine.php file.

What is the best way to enhance the out-of-the-box functionality?

Postato il
John S.
John S.

Hello Dave

Fiddling around in the engine-file is not a thing you should do.

And - the things you make will be gone by a new release.

Make an idea post, where you ask for the possibility to have some "hooks" that could be included in the engine. Then when a "hook" is present, then this hook was "included" in the engine - else nothing special should happen.

Then there should be an option when uploading - use hooks no/yes.

This should be used when problems occur. Then it would be a good thing that a project could be uploaded with the option "don't use hooks" - it will make it easier to determine if an error is caused by a hook or if it is also present when not using hooks.

Kind regards

John S.

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Postato il da John S.
Dave G.
Dave G.

Thanks John, great idea about the hooks and hsve created idea's for the functionality referenced and will for the hooks as well. I do appreciate the possibility of stuffing up standatd fuctionality and the management overhead of making and maintaining the changes, while would only be too pleased to see a new release incorporating the requested ideas or similar fuctionality.

From what I can see the file is fairly static unless of course there are configuration changes, thus it should be possible to modify and then overwrite with the chsnged file upon deployment. Thus I guess my question is, is there something specific related to the file size, date...etc. where if modified after a deployment? I did successfully test my code changes at one point but not sure the site was fully operational at the time.

I did sucessfully change the User Orders object so that under an administration view it show all Orders and not just the logged in user.

Thanks and really appreciate your feedback.


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Postato il da Dave G.
Dave G.
Dave G.

I have been deliberting (with MM&I) for a while on this and resolved that it would be best if Inconmedia implemented the fuctionality contained in our ideas vs. Adding hooks. In a partial way this support is there via modifing created pages or special pages, while adding hooks puts this almost into the custom code space and then determining if it is a product problem, custom code via hook (i.e. not supported) or user understanding. Also where would you stop, while initially for registration / user profile capture, security...etc. it could potentially apply to many functions and objects, thus best if implemented via Incomedia, 3rd party plug-ins or lastly via modifing the scripts / pages provided and then managing these changes through website changes, x5 updates and releases. Therefore if using this last option one needs to think long and hard if the changes are required, minimise the amount of change and, enhance and avoid changing default functionality.

My changes are enhancements and less than 100 lines of script / html and thats probably where I stop as even that is a lot to manage. I would prefer to see a roadmap of ideas, fixes and enhancements published by and regurally updated by Incomedia and will add that as an idea.

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Postato il da Dave G.