Export to Web with ver 16 is so SLOW!!! 
Autore: James Becker
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Exporting one of my sites (all files) with ver 15.+ took about 3 - 5 mins. Now with ver 16.0.4 it takes well over 15 mins! What is up with that??????? Don't tell me it is my ISP upload speed! If I upload the X5 ver 15 site... 3 - 5 mins... then I upload the X5 ver 16.0.4 ver it take 15 mins or more!!
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I am running the same project in v13, v15 and v16. Upload times are identical "after" the initial load (which requires updating every item/page/folder for the different version)
Sorry but I observe the same problem with v16.0.4.
Even after an initial load, the FTP export works fine (and fast), but then X5 hangs at 50% during "saving and updating" of the local project files. Therefore the last timestamp for an update is not actualized.
If you select the update changed file option only, it takes centuries and at the end X5 stops with an error messages, that it can't create the folders.
Martin, the problem is not WX5 (well not directly anyway). Something has taken a dislike to the new code and is interferring with the upload. This could be a firewall, antivirus, malware detection, etc. I am aware that James has solved his problem (this was posted elsewhere - not on this help center):-
James Becker AH HA!!! It appears that my issue is NOT related to X5 ver 16.0.4 after all. It seems if I export whilst connected to my VPN there is no issue at all... the site uploads just as fast as it always has, but if I'm not on the VPN then it takes forever to export, if it exports at all. So it appears it it is a network issue.
Hi Esahc..
the export works in the same speed like v15 and worked if I made a full initial update. After all files are transmitted X5 does some housekeeping on the project files, like update the timestamp of the last export etc. That is where v16 hangs.
By the way, on my other computer with v15 and the backup project the export works fine (same settings and hoster).
Martin - how big is an iwzip of this project?
Uploading should not update project timestamps, this should only happen when an object is updated and the page has to therefore be updated, the only update should be a recording of last upload date and time (one line)
Do you have other v16 projects - are they having issues??
Esahc.. - the iwzip for the project is 64MB.
After the files are exported to the server it tells me actualizing files and then it hangs. And I have to close it manually.
The line with the last upload date and time and also the transmitting the sitemap.html to google are not showing up.
The temporary files on the Server like wsx5-20180625093046-66ens0tz.html are zero bytes big.
Funny is also that the website goes offline for around 2 minutes and then recovers automatically. Tested that with different computers on the same subnet.
The other project with the German language is not completely ready so far. Will start with a fresh server session, by deleting all folders which belongs to X5 and will try the export again.
Have you tried this utility?
Please start a new post detailing your problems so this post becomes yours. You may also wish to delete the existing website from the web and do a full upload, when subsequent updates are performed does it work as fast as expected?
Problems solved. v.16 works at the same speed like v15. There where multiple issues which caused the errors and not all were related to X5.
1. Upgrading from a major X5 release requires an initial full upload of the project. Maybe its also a good time to make some housekeeping and cleaning up server files before.
2. Use the standard FTP protokoll in the beginning. In my case, the SSH FTP protocol has some incompatiblity issuses, but those are related to my webhoster and/or internet provider. Timeouts even occured with my default external FTP program since a week. I assume its not a X5 problem.