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Eleni V.
Eleni V.

Why its not a gastbook page or uplaod button  en

Autore: Eleni V.
Visite 1313, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

why its not a gastbook page or a uploade buton

iam have a photography website and sale to my photo and fotoproduct.

iam missing a gastbook page and een uplaode button.

and more option menu on shopping  that  can use what for color or side  you need.

Postato il
Elisa B.

Hi Eleni, 

thank you for your message. 

You can create a guestbook by adding the Comments and Ratings Object on your page .

As to the upload button, I am not sure I got exactly what you mean, can you please provide me with more information?

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.