Using bootstrap carousel 
Autore: Barry Maloney
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I have adapted a carousel slideshow for my website. it works well but, on the page, where I put the slideshow the page menu disappeared.
If I remove
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
from the code the menu reappears but naturally the slideshow show does not work.
Is there a way around this?
Postato il
.. where did you enter the code?
... post the LINK of the page with the problem.
Hi KolAsim,
I used an "HTML Code" object for the slideshow section.
firstly, I entered it as inline code
also linked the CSS file in the expert section of object
finally I copied the code from the CSS file and pasted it to the expert CSS section of object.
all these behaved as I mentioned above.
... with the LINK of a working example with the problem, maybe we could go back to the event that generates the problem ...
... without seeing anything, unfortunately I can not imagine ...
... I'm sorry, ... maybe you wait for the more experienced ones for extra program situations ...
... extra + ... if you publish the independent slideshow on the web, then it would be very easy to insert it in the program or on the page with my DIV_CUSTOM + IFRAME code.
(IT) ... con il LINK di un esempio funzionante con il problema, forse si potrebbe risalire all'evento che genera il problema...
... senza vedere niente purtroppo non riesco ad immaginare...
... mi dispiace, ... magari tu attendere gli altri più esperti per situazioni extra programma...
... extra+ ... se pubblichi in rete lo slideshow indipendente, poi sarebbe semplicissimo inserirlo nel programma o nella pagina con il mio codice DIV_CUSTOM+IFRAME.
Hello, you have to make changes to the "bootstrap.min.css" file, otherwise you have incompatibilities (unfortunately!) with the code generated by Website X5 and the menu will disappear.
Here an example of boostrap slideshow integrated in WEBSITE X5 but with the "bootstrap.min.css" file modified and the menu is clearly visible (I have set the menù under the slideshow but you can also set it above the slideshow):
P.S. if you bring the mouse on the sliding photos, the scrolling stops so you can click on the green buttons "Read more ..." etc., remove the mouse from the photos to make it back to scroll automatically:
I'm not a developer but I managed to eliminate the incompatibility between the Boostrap code and the code generated by Website X5: why the developers of Website X5 (which are also paid well !!) can not solve certain stupid incompatibilities??They are the great mysteries of the Incomedia company!
Thank you KolAsim and Giuseppe,
My slideshow pulls photos from a database. useing the website objects require you to rebuild and upload every time your want to change the contact.
as you say I will have to go through the css and extract the offending sections, or retain the required content, which ever is easier.
all good fun,
(IT > EN) ... ... As for me, ... my method is my own invention, based on my DIV_CUSTOM + IFRAME, (+ SCRIPT when needed); ... my method is highly flexible and easy to embed in the project, and suitable for hundreds of external slideshows and for all positions on the page, (page backgrounds, header, footer, lines, etc., fixed or elastic), obtainable with small corrections of my code; 100% free; ... the slideshow can be changed or edited without touching the program ...
the required requirements are only three (3):
1) - know how to make the "full screen" slideshow with any of the methods available on the net: vegas, maximage, bootstrap, jssor, swiper, wowslider, etc., etc.). and publish the slideshow in NETWORK with FTP program like Filezilla, and post the LINK;
2) - know how to create the HTML page with WebSiteX5, publish on the net and post the LINK; indicate where to insert the slideshow (background, righa, etc.); in the section where the slideshow should go put a normal reference image;
3) - know how to copy / paste the code;
...!... when and if I see the points 1) and 2) implemented with the two LINK, ... then I will return to continue with the instructions for point 3); ... otherwise ignore, and as I said...!...
... if you can do it yourself, you can take a cue from these basic, simplified examples of mine:
>> maximage
>> bootstrap
>> swiper
(IT) ... ... Per quanto da parte mia, ... il mio metodo è una mia invenzione, unica, basata sul mio DIV_CUSTOM+IFRAME, (+SCRIPT quando serve); ... il mio metodo è altamente flessibile e facile da incorporare nel progetto, ed adatto per centinai di slideshow esterni e per tutte le posizioni nella pagina, (sfondi pagina, header, footer, righe, eccetera, fissi o elastici), ottenibili con piccole correzioni del mio codice; libero al 100%; ... lo slideshow può essere ggiornto o modificato senza toccare il programma...
i requisiti richiesti sono solo tre (3):
1) - saper realizzare lo slideshow "full screen" con uno qualsiasi dei metodi reperibili in rete: vegas, maximage, bootstrap, jssor, swiper, wowslider, eccetera, eccetera). e pubblicare lo slideshow in RETE con programma FTP tipo Filezilla, e postare il LINK;
2) - saper realizzare la pagina HTML con WebSiteX5, pubblicare in rete e postare il LINK; indicare dove inserire lo slideshow (sfondo, righa, ecc.); nella sezione dove deve andare lo slideshow mettere una immagine normale di riferimento;
3) - saper fare il Copia / Incolla del codice;
...!... quando e se vedrò attuati i punti 1) e 2) con i due LINK, ...allora tornerò per proseguire con le istruzioni per il punto 3); ... altrimenti ignora, e come non detto...!...
... se sai far da te, puoi prendere spunto da questi miei esempi di base, semplificati:
you SS are very nice
... with the two LINKS, this time, would have solved in 30 seconds.