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Domingos Costa
Domingos Costa

Automatic visualization on the Site of the date and time of recording/updating of the Project.  en

Autore: Domingos Costa
Visite 1724, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

How can the date and time of recording/updating the project be automatically inserted in the Site? I can not find any MarketPlace utilities to do this.


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Domingos Costa
Domingos Costa

PT - (Meu objetivo é que o navegador exiba a data/hora em que o site foi alterado/atualizado no servidor e que essa data/hora não possa ser alterada pelo navegador.
O meu interesse é que naveguem no Site e saber sempre a data/hora exata em que a página foi atualizada.)



EN - My goal is for the browser to display the date/time the site was changed/updated on the server and that this date/time can not be changed by the browser.
I'm interested in navigating the Site and knowing the exact date/time that the page was updated.


(Sorry Portuguese to English by the Google)

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 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Domingos C.
... ... ... ... EN - My goal is for the browser to display the date/time the site was changed/updated on the server and that this date/time can not be changed by the browser. I'm interested in navigating the Site and knowing the exact date/time that the page was updated. ... ... ...

(It > En)! ... in an HTML Code Object paste or type:
[NOW] ... x the date of publication / update
[DATE] ... x today's date
[HOUR] ... x see the current time

... or, x the date of publication / update,
  paste or type this code JS:
<script> document.write (document.lastModified); </ script>

-----JS------ [GG-MM-AAAA] ------------------------------

<script>//GG-MM-AAAA-by KolAsim
dataK = document.lastModified.split("/");
document.write( dataK[1] + "-"+ dataK[0] + "-"+ dataK[2]);

... or, x the date of publication / update on the server  side,
  paste or type this PHP code on page with PHP  extension:
<?php echo  date("Y-m-d | h:i:sa",  getlastmod()); ?>




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