Resultpage Search Engine 
Autore: Gert D.
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My search engine is working OK. But I want to restyle the lay-out of the page with search result. Can I change the back ground color of this page without changing the hole website colors? Or can I change the color of the teksts?
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Hi G.!
You can change the bg color of a single page by following this tips&tricks document, please have a look:
If this isn't what you are trying to do, could you please kindly attach a screenshot and point out exactly where you want to change the bg color?
Thank you for your kind answer.
What I tried to explain is this: The results of my search engine (top of the page, see my in Dutch) come on a special page. The readabilty of the results is poor. So I want to change the color of the texts. Until now i could not find out how. Thanks for your help. Gert.
To Samantha,
I solved my problem. Like always it was simpel. just change the colour of the text of the hyperlinks! Thans for your help! item closed as far as I am concerned.
Great Gert!
Thank you for letting me know and excuse me for my late reply dew to our server issue.