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Konstantin S.
Konstantin S.

How can I add Lightroom HTML gallery?  ru

Autore: Konstantin S.
Visite 1564, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Hi, everyone!

I want to add Lightroom Image Gallery to my site.

I have html file with gallery from Adobe Lightroom. I can open it in every browser.

I want to add this gallery to my site. But I don't know how. I think I should use "HTML object"

Can you advise me how can I do it?

Postato il
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

(It > Ru) ... самый простой и непосредственный способ - через IFRAME ...
... если вы публикуете свою независимую галерею в папке в вашей сети, то разместите ссылку здесь ...



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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Aleksej H.
...  "Can you advise me how can I do it?" - ... 

(It > En) ... Hello,   ... the simple DIV_CUSTOM + IFRAME method is my exclusive ploy (escamotage)  since 2004 ...
1) - post the individual link of your gallery "Lightroom";
2) - post the LINK of your WebSiteX5 page with a fixed background image in the line where you can subsequently insert the gallery to Lightroom or any other independent slideshow ...
... then wait for my instructions ...

... then you can publish your tutorial in the language of the country you prefer (AU, RU, etc.)...wink



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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Konstantin S.
Konstantin S.

KolAsim, Grazie

Aleksej, spasibo

Now I achieved this result. Gallery open for whole width, but height is only 100 px (I count screenshot pixels in Photoshop:)

Here current result:

This is the page with background image, where I need put gallery:

And this is link to lightroom gallery:

Help me, please

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Postato il da Konstantin S.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

У Вас есть ошибки на странице. Возможно, они мешаю тнормальной работе слайдера. Установите на хостинге версию PHP 7.1.

Есл иВы подключали какие-то дополнительные скрипты на страницу, например, "Кнопка связи", то времеенно уберите её.

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Postato il da Aleksej H.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Konstantin S.
KolAsim ... ... ...  This is the page with background image, where I need put gallery: ... ... ... 

(It > En) (!) ... code for page property fotograf-chernigov.html ...
... paste the code in this section:
>> Step 3 - Map > The Page Properties window | > ▪Expert | ▪Custom Code: >>Before closing the HEAD tag :
... code to copy and paste:
<!-- =========== K ========== -->
<style>#imPageRow_1{ position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:300px} </style>
<script> function innerK() {
divK = '<DIV style="position:absolute;width:100%; height:100%;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200px" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:100%;"></iframe> </DIV> ';
document.getElementById("imPageRow_1").innerHTML = divK; }
function h_rowK(){
var ww =3; // larghezza finestra;
var hh =2; // altezza finestra;
var wrowk = document.getElementById('imPageRow_1').offsetWidth;
var hiframe=Math.round(wrowk*hh/ww);
document.getElementById('imPageRow_1').style.height=hiframe + "px";}
window.onload = function () {h_rowK();innerK()}
window.onresize = function () {h_rowK();innerK()}
<!-- =========== K ========== -->


...!... is also attached...!...




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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Konstantin S.
Konstantin S.

Hello, everyone!

I tried different ways. 

KolAsim, your advice is good. But it doesn't work correctly with mobile version. And I don't have enough knowledges how to improve your really nice code.

That's why I've opened lightroom gallery html file in Dreamweaver, and made special page with navigation.

And now I have site from WebsiteX5 but with one page from Dreamwaver.

And question to WebsiteX5 team: why WebsiteX5 galleries (Masonry etc.) cannot open photos for whole screen, but just in small window-box? This window-box looks very poor in smartphone screens.

So my result is:

Thanks everyone for help)

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Postato il da Konstantin S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Konstantin S.
... ... And now I have site from WebsiteX5 but with one page from Dreamwaver. And question to WebsiteX5 team: why WebsiteX5 galleries (Masonry etc.) cannot open photos for whole screen, but just in small window-box? This window-box looks very poor in smartphone screens. ... ... ... 

(It > En) ... ... the Lightroom gallery of my code does not work anymore ...
... however you could also copy the HTML code Lightroom present inside the tag <body>, tags <body></body> excluded, and paste in the section Body/BODY of WebSiteX5 ...

... for other different questions, you should open a new topic topic, otherwise it might go unnoticed ...

Hello, ciao

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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪