Page-dependent level in sidebar menu 
Autore: John S.Up to ver 13, it was possible to have a left-menu be created automatically.
From 13 and on, you have to make a left-menu on the page. Disadvantage of this is that the menu scrolls up with the page. And it takes up space. And you have to have the menu object on each page. And if you have manu menu-itrms for one level and need to increase the widtw then you have to do this on every page.
You can have a side-bar and a menu here. It can even be "fixed" when scrolling up a page.
BUT this menu will always have the same level. Now comes my idea :
On the settings for a page you have a new field :
Level for menu in side-bar ____________
If nothing specified in the field, all will be as today.
If in the field is specified : Level1a
Then the default level in the side-bar menu is exchanged with Level1a.
The levels can only be selected as the levels for the menu itself. It is not a text-field.
Also - in the menu you should have an option : Do not change the level from page.
And an option : Dont show menu object if no level settings on page-settings.
This way you can have a menu in the side-bar, and the level can be set to match the actual page.
You can even have 2 menus in the side-bar.
The one menu is the head menu, and for this you have specified a level and you have also checked the "Do not change the level from page".
Therefore this menu will always show the level you specified in the menu settings.
On the home page you will probably make no setting for the second menu, and this menu will therefore not be shown on the home page.
The other menu will show the level for the actual page - when specified, and for all pages under a level, you will probably set this level to be the level shown.
By this you will have the same possibility you had earlier. It will require some more work, but the menus can be "fixed".
Hi John,
please consider you can already create a 2nd menu showing the pages of a specific level by setting the level in question here:
In this way, you can place the main menu in the header and a side-one showing the level entries in the side bar.
Please let me know if you meant something different. Thanks!
Kind regards.
I meant something different.
I am aware that the simple structure you made as example is possible as it is now.
Then imagine you also have a level 2 and pages under this level 2.
Here you have the pages 25,26 and 27
Level 1 and level 2 is both menu items in the head-menu. ( on the same level )
I want that when I am on a page under level 1, then I see a side-menu wth the menu-items for this level.
In your example it will be page5,6 and 7.
When I in the head-menu then choose level 2, I want to see a side-menu showing the menu-items for level 2 :
This should be page 25, 26 and 27.
And if I had a level 3 ..... I would like to see the side-menu showing the pages belonging to level 3.
If this is possible today, then please show me how.
And to clarify - It should be something that happens when the pages is created. It should be the X5-software that does this.
The way I suggest should make it possible that the system is backward compatible. Existing projects should not be affected unless the user changes in the settings ( the new settings - the default should be so nothing is changed )
Hi John,
I think I got it now!
As for now, the only way to do this would be to insert a menu object on the pages for the specific level (it can also be a sub-level). It is in fact unfortunately not possible to show the side-bar only for specific pages, but of course I can report this need.
Thank you again! Kind regards.
Hello Elisa
It is NOT for specific pages - it is for specific levels.
But the page should specify the level that should be presented in the sidebar.
I am not quite sure I have made it understandable.
If it was made then we would have the same possibility as we had with the automatic left-menu.
We only have to make some extra work by specifying the level we want to see when a page is shown.
But we would benefit from the possibility to have the left-menu fixed when scrolling a page.
I KNOW we can do it by putting the menu on each page - but then there is the formatting that has to be done on each page, And the menu takes up space on the page. And it scrolls up with the page.
It should be so easy to program, but if I am the only person that wants this, then just forget it.
Maybe it is only I, that sees an idea in this?
Hi John,
thank you, I have also reported these details, so to make your request more specific.
Thank you again!