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V. Boros
V. Boros

The available quantity  it

Autore: V. Boros
Visite 1439, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Ho la versione 2019 Professional. Gestisco un negozio elettronico. Voglio chiedere:
Come posso fare in modo che il mio e-shop sottragga il numero disponibile di articoli per quell'articolo, ma non lo mostri sul Web nel mio e-shop. (Voglio assicurarmi che il numero di pezzi in stock non sia visibile al cliente, ma che la merce venga detratta in base agli ordini ...).
In breve: come nascondere la quantità disponibile di merci; t. j. "In magazzino: 50" ... Devo realizzare "In magazzino: 50" pezzi che il cliente non vede nell'eshop; ma voglio che il cliente veda "Prodotto disponibile".
Se è: "Stock: 0" - far vedere al cliente nel negozio: "Prodotto non disponibile".
Se è: "Disponibile:> 0" - far vedere al cliente nel negozio: "Prodotto disponibile".
Solo un tale regime mi va bene. Potete aiutarmi ... o incorporarlo nel sito Web X5.

Il mio Eshop: 

(Testo tradotto in italiano su Google)


Pôvodný text:

Mám verziu 2019 Professional. Prevádzkujem e-shop. Chcem sa opýtať:
Ako by som mohol docieliť, aby sa v mojom e-shope odrátaval dostupný počet kusov daného tovaru, ale aby nebol zobrazený na webe v e-shope. (Chcem docieliť, aby počet kusov na sklade zákazník nevidel, ale aby bol tovar podľa objednávok odčítavaný...).
V skratke: Ako možno skryť dostupné množstvo tovaru; t. j. "Na sklade: 50"... Potrebujem, aby "Na sklade: 50" kusov nech zákazník v eshope nevidí; ale chcem namiesto toho, aby zákazník videl, že "Tovar je dostupný".
Ak je: "Na sklade: 0" - nech zákazník vidí v eshope: "Tovar je nedostupný".
Ak je: "Na sklade: >0" - nech zákazník vidí v eshope: "Tovar je dostupný".
Iba takýto režim mi vyhovuje. Môžete mi pomôcť ... alebo zakomponovať to do programu Website X5.
Môj Eshop:

(Text do taliančiny preložený v Google)

Postato il
Elisa B.

Hi there!

Thank you for getting in touch. 

You can decide not to show the details regarding the product availability directly in the Product Catalog Object, in the Elements section, by unchecking the visualization for the Details.

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

***** Google Translation:


Ďakujeme, že ste sa dostali do kontaktu.

Ak sa rozhodnete nezobrazovať podrobnosti týkajúce sa dostupnosti produktu priamo v objekte Katalóg produktov v časti Prvky, zrušte začiarknutie vizualizácie položky Podrobnosti.

Prosím, dajte mi vedieť, či vám môžem pomôcť. S priateľským pozdravom.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
V. Boros
V. Boros

Thank you, ... please help me:

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Postato il da V. Boros
V. Boros
V. Boros

To complete:

I would like to have in program Website X5 eshop feature to substract number of pieces in stock but to not show that number on the eshop website. So I don’t want from customers to see exact number of pieces in stock. I want counting number of pieces, but on website I just want to show if product is available or not. So if there is >0 pieces, show that product is available and if there is 0 pieces in stock, to show that product is not available. Could you help me with this and add that future to Website X5? Because there is no such feature now.


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Postato il da V. Boros
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Utente del mese ENUtente del mese ES

... I perhaps did not understand, ... but I have not seen products with the availability field ...


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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
V. Boros
V. Boros

It is disabled on eshop because I don’t want to show number of pieces in stock to customers. Please check screenshot. I want to allow this function on eshop I just need to disable showing exact numbers and show only if product is available or not.

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Postato il da V. Boros
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Utente del mese ENUtente del mese ES

... prepare a light example with few products for a test ...
... I cannot evaluate without a valid link ...
... otherwise wait what the other experts will tell you, and the STAFF from tomorrow on ...


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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Utente del mese ENUtente del mese ES

... x Expert > /HEAD:

$( document ).ready(function() {
$( "#imProductList_657_270 .imProductListAvailability td:nth-child(2)" ).hide();


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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
V. Boros
V. Boros

It is OK.That's what I imagined.Thanks! 
Please embed this script (this option) into Website X5 so that other program users can use it.I am very grateful for your help!


I copied this script "Before closing HEAD".
$ (document) .ready (function {) {
$ (".imProductListAvailability td: nth-child (2)") .hide ();
</ Script>

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Postato il da V. Boros
V. Boros
V. Boros

I want to ask you - how could I show in my eshop - - only products that are available (in stock)? I don`t want to show products that are not available, to costumers.

I really need this feature.

Thank you...

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Postato il da V. Boros
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Utente del mese ENUtente del mese ES

x >> Jabloň (letná) - 'Jamba' (MM106) :

#im-products_4j2d6jvp {display: none}


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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
V. Boros
V. Boros

I can show available products when I check checkbox to show only available products but I want that feature to be checked as default and can`t be unchecked.

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Postato il da V. Boros
Elisa B.

Hi there!

If you want to you can report your request in an Idea post, so we can take it into consideration for future software developments.

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
V. Boros
V. Boros

Attached images shows what I really need in my eshop:

I don`t want customers to see products that are not available in the eshop (in stock this year). For example I have 689 products, but only 380 are available for this year. But also from this 380 are for example 100 products out of stock so there are 280 products. So it would be great to have option to filter that products and shows only those 380 producs, that are available for selling or customer can after using filter see only products in stock. I would really appreciate that functions and aj hope that many others too.
Thank you.

See you:

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Postato il da V. Boros
Elisa B.


Thank you, I saw your Idea post about this and accordingly reported your suggestion. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.
V. Boros
V. Boros

Please add following futures to Website X5 Pro - eshop:

To be able to change availibility of multiple producs at once when I am choosing products from database which will be published. It is important for us because our eshop is working only in certain season (selling trees). So it would be usefull if I could change availibility of whole group of products at once. But I want that producs to be shown in the eshop but it could not be ordered.

Thank you!

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Postato il da V. Boros
Elisa B.

Hi there!

Thank you for getting in touch. 

Please feel free to create an Idea post about this, I will be happy to report this suggestion. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Postato il da Elisa B.