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Cahal Winston
Cahal Winston

X5 v2019.3.16 update just trashed ALL my projects need v2019.3.14  en

Autore: Cahal Winston
Visite 1506, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

OK, just did a standard update from promt.  was using 2019.3.14  had 2 Exisiting projects on the go, lots of history, old projects, old versions. .. all Nuked! Empty! Gone!

History & projects all wiped.. awesome!

Nothing in Edit an Esiting project ... blank!

3.16 Program doesnt recognise my 3.14 files.. only wants an iwzip (import from backup)
my old strage is  C:\Users\####\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evolution\

Dang... my iwzip was last month, done a bit of amending since then. 

(Pls do go on about gotta backup, yup, I thought it was done, but update shouldn't stuff everything)

Need a way of getting back to 3.14.  This download is not available.

Or How do I open my 3.14 file in 3.16  (new folder C:\Users\####\Documents\Incomedia\ is empty)

What the heck happend with this thermo-nuclear-covid update?  
Can it be fixed / undone?

Thanks & regards in advance .. sweating the beads of stress here!

Postato il
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Cahal,

I had about the same thing yesterda, another programmed hung up my computer and i had to pull the plug to get it restarted, x5 was open at the time.

At startup all projects gone!. But what realy happened wel, if you update the preference folder will be kept on the old version location. after the bad close it was set to default of the present version.

So what i did was look for the iwprj file, once found i set the preference folder to the folder on up of the iwprj file. After that all was good again.

So look for the iwprj file on your drive, set the preference folder correct again, you can find this setting at the startupp screen of x5, use the settings button.

You should be o.k. after that. Anyway it's always good to make backups regurly in step5 export project and set the to another drive or memory staorage then where x5 is running on.


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Postato il da Andre E
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Utente del mese IT

usa la ricerca di windows oppure il software "everything" che trovi qui:

Cerca per file con estensione .iwprj2
Se per esempio
li trovi in




allora imposta nelle preferenze la cartella


IT ---> EN

use the windows search or the "everything" software that you find here:

Search for .iwprj2 files

If for example find them in

c: \ users \ yourname \ Documents \ Incomedia \ WebsiteX5Pro \ project1

c: \ users \ yourname \ Documents \ Incomedia \ WebsiteX5Pro \ project2

c: \ users \ yourname \ Documents \ Incomedia \ WebsiteX5Pro \ project3

then set the folder in the preferences


with browse option in Preference

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Postato il da Claudio D.
Andre E
Andre E

Claudio is correct it could wel be that you need to search for iwprj2 files extensions.

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Postato il da Andre E
Cahal Winston
Cahal Winston

Hi All,

Thanks for the input.

My work-around was to search for the folder containing all my previous work.

Copied folder contents to the new empty default folder that WX5 generated.

(I left all the old folder contents where the were, as well.)

Rebooted computer, launched WX5.

Projects found, work updated, back on track

.. and yes, got a fresh backup, to a fresh location, just in case.

Dodged a bullet there.  

Thanks everyone.

Hope eveyone is staying safe


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Postato il da Cahal Winston
Andre E
Andre E

Great Cahal,

Thanks for the feedback. I am glad you are on track again, this way around works also offcource. :)

Make after the most or latest changes a backup in step 5 export project, set it at another drive then where x5 is located, so that you have in any case a good backup.

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Postato il da Andre E