X5 pro project GZIP header not correct 
Autore: Saravanan A.
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Im rebuilding my website www.alselectro.com with X5 PRO.Now Im not able to open my project.GZIP header not correct error appears.Appreciate if help rendered for recovering backup.
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Assuming you are working on an upgraded project. . . .
Did you create an iwzip in the old version of wx5 and then import to the latest version (most reliable) or did you simply open the old version. If this is the case could you check the default location for you projects is correct because if the default location is not the same as the actual location this has been known to throw this GZIP error.
You could attempt to restore a backup. When you start WX5 select your project and then click backup. If there are backup files available you can select one and then click redo.
You could import the iwzip file you hopefully create regularly (step 5, export project and add date to file name for multiple versions) The iwzip is a complete and reliable backup that can be imported onto any PC with WX5. An imported project will never overwrite an existing project.
Please let us know if any of the above provides the solution.
As per your advice I tried back up and succeeded a restore.Appreciate very much your help.