Have to turn off internet to start program 
Autore: Robert A.
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I have to turn off my internet connection to start the program otherwise it hangs at Updating Libraries.
Running WebsiteX5 Evo.
Help please.
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try again and give it some time, set firewall and virusscanner off, maybe that helps, x5 needs to update you can't work around that.
make sure you have a good and fastest internet connection if you startup.
I have never had a program that required me to turn off the firewall and virus scanner or turn off the Internet connection in order to open! This is just plain silly.
Sorry Myron, but it's just an idea, nothig concrete yet.
Besides that, it depends on your security and settings, if you set this at high security the software blocks almost everything it does not know for sure, there is no blaim to x5 in that case, it's what you ask the firewall to do.
Like A. Kris say's just give x5 a rule (like you do witth other software as well) and then it's no problem anymore.
I even had with high restrictions that my office package became blocked. i mean if there is a known software package to firewall software designers to give acces to then it is office, again, if you want strict policy from your firewall you will just get that. And one software designer / brand sees things differently then other. Nothing new there that is all over and everywhere same thing.
Thanks for the ideas however...
Perhaps I should have explained I'm running v2020.1.14 (64 bit) and it's been working fine until a few days ago so it's not an AV or firewall problem - would seem to be a WebsiteX5 server problem (or DNS or ....)
Hello Robert.
No problem, i am on 2020.1.12 at the moment taht takes up 5 seconds to load the librarys.
So i installed for you for test version 14, that version did way longer about loading library's i was afraid i had the same problem but i just let it run for a minute or so and then it was loaded. this depend offcource on you internet connectiion and firewall.
Try to keep it running and see if it eventually got it all loading.
The second time i started x5 it was way faster so it looks like it needs to update some library's after the first longer boot that starting x5 was back to normal.
I will test the latest version in a while and let you know the outcome here.
Robert, latest version 2020.2.2 loadad just as fast as the second time i started v 2020.1.14
So it seems x5 needs a one time extra loading time, so again, give x5 some time to update, after rhat all should work normaly.
Let me know if this has helped!
Hello Andre - I left it loading for over an hour - sadly nothing - still says 'Updating Libraries'.
Downoad latest version from your profile, top right next to your name pulldown -> download.
install that one and see if this solves your problem.
Hi Robert,
also, don't forget to start the program as administrator after having disabled firewall and antivirus.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Interesting - can't download the file - failed 1st time and now won't even start the download? I may just stay with my fix of turning off Internet, loading program, and then turning it back on again.
Hello Robert,
I just downloaded latest version without any trouble, so the servers at Incomedia work.
Are you realy sure your connection is not disturbed externaly or by some program running on your computer?
Because of the bad download i suspect this even more and i stand by my first post even more then i already did. (check firewall and so on)
Else try a different way of connecting to internet, try to download the file from another computer, best with another provider, maybe at work or from a friend? then set it on a memory stick and install.
If you still have trouble, check your internet connenction and security settings, maybe try another browser? I can only give you pointers to find out what's blocking your connection to the servers of Incomedia.
Hope one of these things help in finding out what's wrong. Let me know what comes out at the end.
Robert, is it possible to connect via a different internet connection eg hotspot from phone?
There was recently a user here who had this issue and it turned out the ISP had upgraded security and blocked WX5.
I have also had experience with a poisoned DNS in a modem. This required a full factory reset of the modem but again with the assistance of the ISP.
How strange - NO changes to the computer AV or firewall - managed to download and re-install the program and is now working completely OK.
Thanks everyone for your help.