Font size changes on its own 
Autore: Dan B.Using the Tahoma default, and size 12 -- when I Bold text and then go off of bold, back to Tahoma 12 default, the text changes to a smaller size, like 9, and looks like times roman, and it stays like that as I am typing. It will change back if I go Bold again. It still shows Tahoma 12 in the menu, even though it has obviously changed, and trying to change it back to default is difficult, the best way seems to be to get out of the editor and restart then it returns to default. This was happening before the latest update for 2020. What is the solution? -- Here is a copy and paste -- Now, now we can go to the next step -- the bold Now is correct, but the text that follows is a much smaller size, it presented correctly when I copy and paste to this email? The bold Now, is Tahoma 12, while the, now ... followed by the rest of the text turns into Times Roman 10? This does the same thing when I Italicized text it is a real challenge to get the text restored to default? And this happens on every page of text within the editor. If I go back to the changed text and highlight it and then go back up to the Font Menu and click on Tahoma it then changes back, but it takes a sequence of steps, like turning off bold then highlight the smaller text, then going to selecting Tahoma again. This is very irritating. Thanks, Dan
Can you confirm that in step2, Text, Field and Button Style you have the correct defaults set (eg Tahoma 12pt for page text)? If you are using Heading Styles extensively, are these too set appropriately? Are you editing standard text objects or perhaps a blog?
Yes, my settings are exactly as you have demonstrated. No problems with the Headings. Also, this happens no matter if the material is copy and pasted in or if the copy is created within the website X5 editor, it does not matter.
Dan, did much of the original text come from word or some other formatted text (eg website or a pdf)?
When the text reverts to 9pt times on the display,, what does WX5 report in the font selection window?
If you copy all text in a specific object to a text file, save it and re open the text file then copy and past back to the WX5 object ( or preferably a new replacement object) does editting then behave correctly??
This latest document was created inside the X5 editor. It doesn't matter if it is a doc created in the editor or a copy and paste doc that I am editing within the X5 editor -- it is an equal opportunity problem.
The Font selection and Font Size window at the top of the editor does not change. The Font changes after a Bold text or word is created and the same for Italicized text or word -- the very next letters and words following the Bold or Italics go to 9pt and what appears to be Times Roman Font. The Tahoma Font and the size 12 is still in the Font window, it does not change? Very strange. If I go to the Font and click on it, it will change the highlighted word or words, but if the bold is still on, it will come out as bold text and if I click on the Bold button to clear it, the text then again reverts back to the 9pt and Times Roman. I have to get it out of Bold then go-to Tahoma and click to change back. The Tahoma and 12pt never leave the window.
I want to take the time to thank you for your patient help. Dan
I have had this issue but only into a text object that previously had text pasted into it, yet you are saying the problem occurs in a new text object so I am at a loss.
I no longer use Tahoma, I use a Google font so I know that what I see is exactly what others will see on any device, Tahoma is websafe but not web exact.
Would you like to change your default font and see if it behaves?
I use Roboto
Please let us know if changing fixes the problem.
(If you create a new project as a test does the problem with Tahoma persist?)
Thanks for the Tip. And yes, when I create a completely new Document, using the X5 Editor, it still does this. For example, I typed in a title and then clicked bold, and Italicized then I turned the Bold and the Ilasicized buttons off and whet back to continue typing and the went to 9pt and Times Roman, while the Font window still read Tahoma and 12Pt.
I will try the Roboto (?) is that a Font? or a Font manager? Did you say Google Font, Is that a choice? I have pretty much stayed with Tahoma and Arial, -- not very knowledgeable when it comes to Fonts. How do I get the Google Font into X5, or is this a copy-paste only? The Fonts I have listed in X5 does not mention those you mention? Thanks, Dan
Hi, I figured out how to add Fonts. Not as hard as I thought. Okay, so I installed Roboto Google Font and set it as default, and it made no difference. I typed in a text and then highlighted and set to Bold and then turned bold off, Text remained bold as it should but the very next text typed came out as 9th Times Roman, much smaller, but the Font Window still said Roboto 12Pt, just like the Tahoma?? Sometimes their is a delay in removing the Bold Highlight, to get it to turn off. I have to click several times, to get it off, and it is after this, when the Highlighting finally turns off, leaving the Text in Bold, but then the next printing is in the small letters? I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, and if so, maybe an update, or completely new install? What say you? Thanks, Dan
Dan, I am not aware of anyone else having this problem sorry.
Yes, feel free to install WX5 again. You can go to your profile (top right this page), select download and also retrieve your licence key if you require.
Before you start, please go to step 5, export project so you know you have a complete backup (this should be a regular occurance, perhaps append the date to each iwzip at time of creation so you have fall back positions). Do not rely on your project/s remaining useable or the built in backup being able to rescue you.
You may like to verify that this problem is specific to WX5 before proceeding. Can you open write.exe in Windows and follow the same steps to see if bolding/unbolding has this affect on following text? Perhaps the same in Word or your favourite word processor? If you open any of your old versions of WX5 and create a new project, is it similarly affected (old versions and license keys can be downloaded from your profile as well)??