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Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.

Problem saving and exporting project and more  en

Autore: Quodbach H.
Visite 1741, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


1. After the last update (3.17?) i got problems. On 4-1-2021 and today, 13-1-2021, i could not save and export my project  (cannot find the path, retry or close the program). On 4-1 i got after several tries the message that i should reinstall the program. So i dit and it worked prefectly, untill today. I had to reinstall the programm once again. I open the program as user, and i'm sure that the user rights are the same as the rights for administrators. In my anti-virusprogram (Norton) X5 is allowed. How can i avoid this problems?

2. By exporting the project (always by closing the project) i choose (always) to make a backup. These back-ups are not shown in the list with backups. Where can i find them, so i can use this back-ups (was not possible during the problems above)?

3. (This is a problem i have from the moment that my project had over 100 pages). The project is now a big one (330 pages and it can grow up to 400 pages). Each time after adding a new page or layer and after filling in or changing the properties, it takes 1-5 minutes to to process these changes, thats a long time to wait and do nothing. I have an Intel Core i3 CPU and 12 GB RAM on the laptop i use X5 and use Windows 10. Do you have or know a solution for this problem?

With kind regards, Hub 

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Adrian B.
Adrian B.

My main project is now 550 pages and thousand of items in shopping cart.  I recommend the fastest PC you can afford.....  I upgraded to Mac Pro 16 inch running parallels from a 6 year old mac pro 13 inch running boot camp.... big difference in reducing the wait time.  There is a lot going on in X5 - the time it takes is a fact of the project size.  I'm ready to buy a mac M1 but parallels is not yet supported on it.

I have seen it recommended to split big projects and I may read up on doing that.  

I am lucky I always have other things to do while waiting for X5.....

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Postato il da Adrian B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Hub, most importantly the only true backup is achieved by going to step 5, export project. This will create an iwzip file which can and should be renamed at time of creation (I append the date). I create a new iwzip after every session updating the project. The iwzip is a full backup, the project could be imported to any PC running WX5 and will include all source files.

Are you using this to currently make a backup (NOT recommended)

Do not trust this built in backup (not all essential files are backed up). If you have been using the built in backup you should find them by selecting your project then click backup. To restore a backup select a likely candidate and click redo. The backups are (should be) stored in the backup folder in the project folder.


It is unusual that you should have needed to re-install WX5 and this points to either a hardware issue or software conflict. To check your hardware run check disk by right click on drive, properties, tools (or if you are old school run chkdsk c: /r from a DOS prompt)

I now only rely on Windows Defender (built in), I found any 3rd party antivirus/malware/firewall software interferred irrespective of the exceptions I applied. For me the removal of 3rd party solutions boosted performance , reduced delays and eliminated crashes.

You should also be aware that it is unwise to leave any empty cells on any page in your project. Put something in every empty cell (eg text object, picture object, etc) but it is not necessary to put any content in the object. WX5 becomes slow and flakey if there are empty cells.

Do not allow file sync (eg one drive)

If after attending to the above the program is still too slow I strongly recommend replacing your HD with a SSHD, this will give your laptop an astonishing speed boost. WX5 makes a great deal of HD use so if you can speed the HD to near the speed of memory you should be very impressed.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.

Yesterday and today i could not ave the changes in the big project (saving in the small projects is no ploblem), also not after reinstall X5 prof (i dit that 4 times). Trying to reopen the big project with the iwinzip X5 crashed and i was asked to reinstall the program (problem [config - settings ands ratings]). This time i removed X5 from my system before the reinstall. The saving problem seems to be solved (i hope forgood). I'll let you know if the problem repeates oneselvelf. Maybee you have a soluation to solve this problem forever, for example in the next update. 

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Postato il da Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.

I normaly make my backups with step 5 exporting. 

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Postato il da Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.
Quodbach H.

This week i had to reinstall X5 pro 2 times, and sins the last update over 10 times. The error message is:

Er is een fout opgetreden terwijl het programma actief was.
Installeer het programma opnieuw s.v.p.
(ConfigError: Comments and Ratings)

I am desporated. Please help me.

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Postato il da Quodbach H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Hub, on a duplicate project, does removing the page with the Comments and Ratings Object work around the problem?

If so, then you could recreate it.

I do not understand why it is necessary to continually re-install WX5. Did you check the hard disk/AV/malware/file sync? Have you tried running CCLEANER (free) to remove unnecessary file bloat?

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Postato il da Esahc ..