How to add a list of downloadable files 
Autore: Beverley B.
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I am trying to add a list of files (PDFs) to my website, such as a list of polciies. I would like to arrange all of these in a table like fashion, with a rollover effect to make it clear that the files can be downloaded.
Is this possible in X5 evo?
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No - and yes
You could use the table object.
In the table you could have 2 columns an image and the link
The link is pure text that you give a link. The link is to the pdf-file.
Dependent on the browser the link will either opern and show the PDF or it will start the download.
Even when it is opened as pdf it will be able to be downloaded.
If you want to force download to start by clicking the link, you could make some lines in a html-object.
The table ( or a text-object) will require no code.
Here I have made something similar:
Imagine that the links was to a PDF-fiile.
There is also the more sophisticated solution where you by using code, could have a list of PDF-files shown from a folder automatically.
It depends on how you use the PDF files ( how many and how often will they change or new created)
See also here:
Something like that ?
here a simple code to do that.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Lien() {
i = document.Choix.Liste.selectedIndex;
if (i == 0) return;
url = document.Choix.Liste.options[i].value;
parent.location.href = url;
<form NAME="Choix">
<select NAME="Liste" onChange="Lien()">
<option VALUE="">Choisir une option
<optgroup label="Group 1"></optgroup>
<option VALUE="howto1.pdf"> File 1</option>
<option VALUE="howto2.pdf"> File 3</option>
<option VALUE="howto3.pdf"> File 3</option>
<optgroup label="Group 2"></optgroup>
<option VALUE="" > Google</option>
Add this code into a HTML object.
We use the direct display of the directory on the server and a small php program that lists everything in the directory.Since the pdf files and films are very large, they are uploaded directly with FileZilla and linked from the PRO project in wx5 as external files. (The advantage of the PRO project is smaller, the times for uploading are shorter +++).
To see under:
and links under "Texte und Infos"
in .htaccess Filel the line
Options +Indexes