Masonry images gone 
Autore: Lauren W.
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I was checking it today and saw ALL my images on this page for my masonry boxes vanished. the Description is still checked but the rest are gone. That is unbelievably a major inconvenience because I have been adding them over time from original locations. WTF happened? I last updated about the same time I sent the question in about creating thumbnails so it is easier for me to find the pictures I need to delete
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Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Lauren, is there any chance there is an iwzip file created before the images were lost? After importing the project are the images there? When re-editing the project do the images remain or again disappear?
Further to the above, is there any chance that these images were "in the cloud" (perhaps onedrive) or on an external device? And assuming your project is in the document folder, is this in your user profile on your pc (username\documents) or in the onedrive folder (username\onedrive\documents)?
There is a chance i had a Iwzip file, but honestly i was not going theough the headache (as i doubted it had my most recent changes) i do remember i copied the masonry block, and pasted it (i was attempting to see if i can edit the images but got frusTrated and deleted what i thought was the copied version. maybe that had somethtjng to do with it finally no photos were on a cloud they are all harddrived
There are a number of objects that I have copied in the past, edited the copy and then deleted the original only to find I had screwed the copy. I believe this is a bug but can not produce an example that reliably replicates the problem to prove my theory.
I have found that if I specifically save after making the changes the problem seldom occurs. Being increasingly sceptical I create LOTS of iwzip files (I append the date+a-z as required) and have only had to fall back twice. I do wish the backup was actualy an iwzip file.